u got great duelists , and good mages (in garania , both goldies , and even marius can act as a mage) , a good witch as well in yuyu , which should help pass war of magic. Good tank in bernice as well.

Actually outside of leveling the usual suspects : HAT (healer/archer/tank) + mages + duelists + witch >>>> the core army , all you have left is improving your archer squad , since you have only bashira , by aquiring spica.

After spica is avaible , i'd raise and cc more core and go for awakening of said units. Also u might want to raise and cc 1 monica (hell u can probably try to cost reduce her , since u don't generally need more then 1 , and her passive doesn't stack with herlsef as far as i know)

Pretty much this right now. U can also watch the video in the strategy department for Imortal beast , and i think we also have a sticky with the desert maps , which u might find useful