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  1. #4

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    Aug 2015
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    ok , let's take it 1 by 1.

    Marius is a good unit , and because he's an elf , he has a crapload of attack. That being said , he is a dual class , and while he is versatile , there are some that prefer mages that boost their own dps. ME personally , i rather like the guy , so a lot it depends on yourself. I guess u also have garania if u really want to carpet bomb stuff , so that's okay. You're doing better then most of us in that regard.

    Seeing that u have 2 good archers , u should start farming the DC dailies (and i'd suggest having a monica in your farm team since she improves the drop rate of dcs). Spica is curently the best trading post unit in the game , and probably the second best archer all around in the game , besides nanaly. She is a priority.
    Personally , i wouldn't recomand rushing a saki , even tho she's black , so don't get baited into getting her over spica. After you got spica , i guess you can decide for yourself if having a ranged on melee slot is a priority for you , or if u want awakenings first. That's up to you , but spica is a really good unit , and i'd say get her asap.

    Imelia : Depends on how much u cr-ed and SU-ed her. At cr 2 , most event units break even in cost with premium units. I personally like imelia , since she's a wall of stats. But you also have a lyla which is a pretty good duelist as well , even tho she loses defense.

    EDIT: saw that your imelia is full cost. That's 2 bad. You could go for lyla i guess , or even sophie , if u know how to use her (shes better as a lighning rod , but she can act as situational duelist if u have the right timing.

    As for imelia alone , well she is still a ball of stats with a good skill. ANd while u have her at her basic level , skills can be leveled up with rainbow fairies (i wouldn't re comand wasting rainbows on a non cr-ed event unit tho) , and her stats are still the same , even if she costs a whole lot more to deploy. It depends on u , if u consider her stats to be worth. I'd personally go with lyla in this case , since cc-ing a plat unit is a pretty serious investition

    Yuyu is not a priority right now , but she will help u when u reach war of magic....assuming u raise her skill a bit , since she is literally a belinda with faster attack speed (since she's an elf. they even have comparable stats. I think the difference between their attack damage was like 6 )

    Kerry...well kerry was the very first summon for a lot of us. They used to give us kerry instead of bashira , so a lot of guides use her as a "basic unit". She's not that great of a duelist , but if u really need a valk (the curent subjugation event kinda needs valks to make easier) , i guess you could raise her. I personally don't care much for her , and if we had misha , i think i'd rather level her (a silver) rather then kerry , but that's up to you. Depends if you have the time and charisma for her.

    Julien doesn't even compare to katie in terms of ability to tank...well for a soldier that is. But if you need a secondary UP battery , he is good...assuming you lack any of the plat soldiers , or aria (which u shouldn't have anyway , if you're new). A lot of people use 2 soldier strategies , but till now , i've yet to need 2 myself. In the future , we are probably going to require more up batteries tho , so i guess you could raise him as well , even tho i wouldn't consider him exactly a priority.

    Actually , in terms of pure tanking , you should raise bernice , because she's a really good tank , and make leanne your secundary

    Pirates , huh ? well it depends. Some pirates are. Minerva (a black) hits somewhere around 1.5k per hit and has a chance of assasination for example. Anelia can hit over 1k , and hit 5 targets at once. During skill usage , that is. Monica , is mostly used and raised and awakened for her ability to boost Demon crystal drop rates. Short answer : some yes , some no , and those that are , are generaly because of utility rather then straight up outclassing archers.

    Actually vamp hunters , archers and pirates are all subclasses that fill generally the same role , but with different strenghts. Pirates attack slower , but hit hard for each hit at longer range , and are better vs armored stuff. Vh , hit 3 arrows per volley and can decimate unarmored stuff , but do very little vs armored enemies , while archers are generally the best balanced. Also probably the best of the 3 subclasses , even tho in some instanfes , they can be outperformed by individual units.

    PS: forgot about iris. Some people don't like doubles for roleplaying reasons , and that's fine as well. I for one , don't care much. I like to powergame. and i think iris is a pretty eficient healer, and quite a lot better then alissa/dorca. I would personally raise and cc 2 of them , but that's up to you. CR healers aren't bad either, since getting them on the field faster is not a bad ideea , but i wouldn't waste a second iris to cr the first , if all u have in the heal department is her.
    Last edited by lolix; 05-24-2016 at 12:54 PM.

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