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  1. #1

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    to be fair cypria is not actually a priority either. Most of us kinda ignored her , but after AW and SAW she becomes a good dodge tank , but untill then , most people use either valks/pricesses/bandits as duelists. Most of us didn't raised her because shes kinda expensive to cc (3 silvers) , but since it's there , u could use it now. You might want to replace her with another unit in the future

    I might even use a claduia , even at max cost over cypria if i were u , assuming u lack other princess. She still has a good skill for tanking liches/mages and for dealing with high armor (and mr stuff) even if u didn't leveled her skill much. She still gains mr and true damage even if her booster isn't that big
    Last edited by lolix; 05-24-2016 at 03:56 PM.

  2. #2
    yeah i used both of them before situational.. i just can not figure out what to actually use as a 15 unit team, i feel like it would be so much easier if we could use 20 in there <.< in the end harder maps require more removing/replacing and i was quite some times at the point where i could need more than 15 units in a map lol, maybe my units were just too weak tho

  3. #3

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    well , you don't need a main team. I mean , you need a CORE team that u will use in most maps , and that's generally composed of HAT + soldier. Those are generally used on most maps. Then , you have your extended team which involves witches and mages as well...and maybe 1-2 duelists. Then you have your army , which will have situational and niche units , used for specific tasks that will allow you to change your playstyle and to fit each event.

    Your end goal is to raise an "army" or a harem (i guess) , that can deal with different type of challenges. Keep that in mind

    EDIT: that is my fault. As someone that has monica , i failed to mention that she changes her skill. I was concentrated on other stuff and i didn't realized that .

    EDIT 2 : between the situational heal from ertel and the situational heal from marius , and the 2 iris , you should have enough to hold for now....but if you want to finish immortal beast , you will probably need another 1. Keep in mind that sophie is a monster for as long as her skill is in use , and can , make your life a whole lot easier on that map. Other then that , i'd suggest advancing to the desert map and trying to finish base scramble 2 since it gives the best amount of unit XP.
    Last edited by lolix; 05-24-2016 at 04:59 PM.

  4. #4
    one still unanswered question: how much should i value getting the dancer on CR and skill up? (i got her 1x right now, so base form basicly) is it worth for me at my "current state" to get her on max CR and skills up?

    EDIT: for exp i farm fiery oasis right now, since i get 2 bronze unit drops and i get an average of 4-6 units
    Last edited by DyingShadow; 05-24-2016 at 05:02 PM.

  5. #5

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    Jun 2015
    You can go for 1-2CR but most of the time when you want to use her you'll have the UP needed anyways because she's dirt cheap to begin with. Only gets +1 cost when she evolves even.

    Don't spend too much time on her though. There will also be another dancer later on too.

  6. #6
    yeah I'll not use crystals on stamina but use my stamina to try to get some more of her, also the silver healers i get on the map would be good to get for CCing units i think so i'll just use the stamina i get on her

  7. #7
    I'll just make it quick for your short/mid-term goals:
    - level Bashira and Iris some more (to around CC40-50ish)
    - raise another healer, Bernice, Yuyu, Marius, Khuri
    - buy Spica ASAP and raise her
    - raise some duelists: Lyla is the obvious choice, I suggest Claudia as well since she's a princess
    - raise a third healer at some point

    When you did all of this you will have a solid core team that will allow you to do well in most events. Then you can start refining your team by leveling more niche/situational units and AW some units.

    Most units were already covered by lolix, but just a quick note about Khuri: She's one of the most useful silvers in the game. It should be noted though that Nutaku is/was supposed to get a vampire hunter event, so you might want to hold off leveling her for now.

    Sophie is amazing, but as an angel she is quite reliant on her skill. She has the same skill as the silver angel. You can trade a valkyrie and 100k gold for a silver angel in the trading post, so you could do that later on when you saved up some gold to save some rainbow fairies.

    Quote Originally Posted by DyingShadow View Post
    yeah i used both of them before situational.. i just can not figure out what to actually use as a 15 unit team, i feel like it would be so much easier if we could use 20 in there <.< in the end harder maps require more removing/replacing and i was quite some times at the point where i could need more than 15 units in a map lol, maybe my units were just too weak tho
    This is a common misconception among new players. Fact of the matter is you will have way more than 15 usable units in no time and you will have to adapt your team depending on the missions, so you shouldn't worry too much about figuring out your "main team" or whatever.

    Quote Originally Posted by DyingShadow View Post
    I like how monica only costs 10 unit points to use (minimum cost woop woop), her skill is 4/5 tho, will definitly level her up and possibly cc her too?
    Grats on mincosting her, but unfortunately Monica's skill changes when you CC her. Skills that change upon CC reset to 1/5. For units with changing skills it's advisable to CC them at level 30 before feeding them to a CC'd main unit. Not the biggest deal, just something to keep in mind for the future.

  8. #8
    thank you for your opinion! I didn't know the skill will reset when it changes, but then i know to not try to max out her skill more than now, it was just a side effect for cost reducing tho, but yes next time i'll keep that in mind, for this specific case it would have taken too much time/charisma/gold/etc to do that tho... so you say i should focus on a solid core with more than 15 units that i can "replace" situational instead of trying to get a main 15? For the 3rd healer i guess i wait until i get another gold + one from shrine summon (if i get some more crystals, it is being a pain lately to get some)

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by DyingShadow View Post
    I didn't know the skill will reset when it changes, but then i know to not try to max out her skill more than now, it was just a side effect for cost reducing tho, but yes next time i'll keep that in mind, for this specific case it would have taken too much time/charisma/gold/etc to do that tho...
    I get that, but usually there's no rush to CR a unit, so might as well put it off for much later if it allows you to save several rainbow fairies.

    Quote Originally Posted by DyingShadow View Post
    so you say i should focus on a solid core with more than 15 units that i can "replace" situational instead of trying to get a main 15? For the 3rd healer i guess i wait until i get another gold + one from shrine summon (if i get some more crystals, it is being a pain lately to get some)
    Yes. Like I said, you will have more than 15 usable units in no time anyway. Basically lolix explained what I meant, but here are some random examples: You might need 2 or even 3 heavy armors on some maps even though you'd probably only use 1 on most maps. You might need 4 or even more healers on certain maps. Some maps have only few ranged slots, so you might need melee supports (units you place on a melee slot that can attack at range) and/or priest warriors. Some maps (subjugations) don't have natural UP regeneration, which means you probably wanna use 2 soldiers and possibly some valkyries there.

    You can steamroll low tier maps with a generic team, but for god tier maps or certain special maps you'll have to adjust your team (unless you have several OP AW'd units maybe).

    Quote Originally Posted by DyingShadow View Post
    For the 3rd healer i guess i wait until i get another gold + one from shrine summon (if i get some more crystals, it is being a pain lately to get some)
    Honestly, Alissa is pretty decent, especially if you can mincost her later on. To be fair, it's not quite as easy to CR silvers on Nutaku compared to DMM.

    Regarding Waltz, I suggest you try to CR her, but don't try too hard (as far as spending SC goes).
    Last edited by n00b; 05-24-2016 at 05:19 PM. Reason: Waltz

  10. #10
    let me sum things up so i do not forget anything super important:
    1st: level Bashira + Bernice to cc40-50
    2nd: work on getting Spicia and level her too // also try to get some Waltz with my stamina
    3rd: level both Iris + Marius + yuyu + Khuri (if no event comes up for a high tier vamp hunter) to cc30-50
    4th: level up my duelsts (Lyra, Claudia) to cc30-50
    5th: pick up another healer + cc30-50
    6th: make plans on what else to add
    7th: AW Garania, Bernice, Spica (because of their buff)

    wow this list is pretty long list, for short/mid-term goals, and i possibly missed something.
    Also what map would you suggest farming? does fiery oasis work (2 bronze unit chance, 1 of them gives full exp no matter what class i feed it to)

    EDIT: changed Bashira to Garania, didn't mean to write Bashira in the first place... my bad. I thought about those 3 because off the buff for all units of that class!
    Last edited by DyingShadow; 05-24-2016 at 05:43 PM.

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