Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My bad, I should have add that even that strong acc still can't pass BS I and II(which is pretty much a gate blocker just like Castle Retake) so my point is a 2nd mage is pretty much unlikely to have for a 1-month long player(exclude gacha proablity) and even if you have many good unit, if they're not silver(and min-costed one) then they may not help in map that require tight UP management.Then again, if you're willing to pay for the buff pack, you can achieve 500 kills even with silver for a 1-month long player(which is unlikely for you to have a 3rd CCed healer, but with Imelia you can do that, even at barely CR-2).Just want to point out that even my silver team ( in the 1-month long acc) can obtain up to 490 kills then 500 kills is achieveable IF you want to spend, that's all.
2nd mage = 2nd valerie. it's possible.