Okay, I have been playing Aigis for some months now, but got stuck with a lot of things to do after AW arrived and don't know what to focus. So, I am looking for advices and this place looks receptive for it. ღ・ω・ღ
My doubts are mostly about:

1) Invest in a new character for the main team (Imelia, Hina, Shizuka, Waltz, Yuyu, Betty, Julian, Ertel, Khuri)
2) Keep leveling the already CC/AWed army (Saki, Sherry, Elizabeth, Rachel, Horace, Rachel, Rita, Cypria, Lynn, Cloris, Shao)
3) AW someone (Despara, Deine, Claudia, Rachel, Bashira, Rita, Barbastroff, Fedora) Note: only 100 DCs at the moment.
4) CR/SU goldies/silvers (Iris, Kerry*, Barbastroff*, Khuri, Pallis, Elaine) *After AW
5) Who do I feed rainbows
6) Something else?

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