ok, this might sound a bit noobish and i apologize beforehand, but i really want to know which one is better to focus, since i dont have time to play 2 accounts.

BOTH accounts have 1 black 0 plat (aside bashira), but i cant decide which one.

Account 1:
(not included the ones you get from tutorial roll and instructor quests, etc)
B- Sophie
P- n/a
G- Kojuro, Iris (not included the one you get from lv 10), 2 ugly conrad,

Account 2:

G-Bernice, Julian, Cuterie.

now..i know its kinda biased..but which account will i have an easier time to play if i solely focus on it?

I tried sophie and..well..she seems like a situational unit, and minerva..omg that super long range assasin shot..I´m personally more inclined toward the minerva account but..

am I missing anything?

I most likely give away the other account since it will be rotting there..
