Just going to post this here in case people don't see it elsewhere.

Quote Originally Posted by NutakuDev
Quite a week for Nordland to be off. I'll try to field some of your questions while I'm here.

1. Did we know that this would be cancelled in advance?

No, our office found out on Tuesday morning, after the event was supposed to go live. We wouldn't have teased it otherwise.

2. Does Japan not care about the English version of the game?

They do. But they devote resources to the games dependent upon their level of success. I don't agree with that philosophy, but it's there nonetheless.

3. Are you holding Aigis content hostage?

No, what possible reason would we have to do that?

4. Can the game survive with this level of support?

The game continues to grow. Most of our players have never heard of the Japanese version of Aigis. As it grows, our level of support from JP will grow, and we can get all the nice things we want for it.

The delay this week was an unprecedented situation for them. It sucks that they prioritized fixing their multi-million dollar Japanese franchise over our version, but it's not particularly surprising, all things considered.

5. What happened to the list of questions? (Thanks, DartRed)

After saying yes, they took a look at your questions and said no.

6. Will you threaten to withdraw the game unless JP devs increase event frequency?

That would really be shooting ourselves in the foot.

6. Will you give all Aigis players 60 premium crystals worth of Nutaku Gold?

We actually talked about this when we saw the compensation difference. But there's one problem.

Nutaku works by splitting revenue between the developer and portal. Developers can give out whatever they want in-game, for free, but when Nutaku gold is spent on their portal we pay a percentage of the value of that gold to whomever the users' choose to spend it on.

Essentially, we would be paying a six-figure sum to a developer because his compensation was less than stellar. We can't do that.

7. Is this all a massive conspiracy to drive players to DMM?

I certainly hope not.


You guys clearly love this game and I'm sorry that it's not living up to your expectations. Aigis is personally my favorite game on the site, but Nutaku is not synonymous with one title.

I've submitted (again) a request that they increase event frequency, add the auto-complete feature, consider adding unique ENG-characters, implement promotional codes similar to PeroPero, and a raft of other suggestions. But we can't do it for them.

I hope that you appreciate that the teams that work on our games are very different groups of people, and form your opinions of them on a case-by-case basis. I also hope you continue to patient with Japan's Aigis team until they see that there is an equal potential for games like Aigis in an ENG market as there is in the JP one.

For those of you who are willing to tough it out, we'll keep trying to turn Aigis into the game you want. So thanks.