Quote Originally Posted by Buster Wolf View Post
Not sure why you felt the need to make a second thread when you could bump your previous one.

Q1. Personally every unit I plan to use I level to 50CC50 (or whenever I can start using a Plat can for Gold or higher units in the low 50's) then Gold farm afterward (I'm not close to finishing yet though).

Q2. I would look at key kii's videos (since your accounts have Bashira) to determine if you can safely do the Orb dailies (keep check on UP though some missions you can afford to be light on it (Not Friday though)).

Q3. If you have males that you use on your team yes, you can easily get 1 male to 100% with a full day of doing H it's stupidly easy to do.

Q4. Like Q2 watch vids to determine if you are able to.

I notice both accounts have Eunice, but don't have Mortimer any reason for that?
I made a new thread so I could change the formatting a bit, to reset the discussion a bit, and because I plan to do so on a, roughly, monthly basis to keep the thread from being too much to catch up on.

As far as Q 1, 2, and 4 your input is appreciated. As for Q3 Thank you for that link seems I just need a second Wilfred on one account an I will have everything I need to farm the affection items for my male units.

In response to your question about Eunice/Mortimer. I only included the units I have invested into (leveling to 30, min costing, or whatever) that is why you see Eunice and not Mortimer. I used all my Mortimers as CC fodder on one account, and I have one left on the other. I stopped leveling the Eunices when I got Imelia on both accounts, but I will CC and level to 50 If I end up needing them.

Again thank you for you time!