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  1. #1
    There is also the option of 2 spirits, 2 bronze or 1 spirit 3 bronze for a bit of extra XP. Using the Hashims from BSII that gives ~1.5K or ~1K xp, depending on whether you use 2 platinum spirits or 1.
    Will still be expensive, but depending on how easy it is for you to obtain spirits and bronzes, it could be an alternative to the elusive platinum armors.
    Currently playing: Aigis, Harem Heroes and Crush Crush

  2. #2
    In addition to the above ideas keep in mind that you can just take a break from farming Fiery Oasis, or BSII if you're doing that, and farm Deep Forest Road, selling all drops, to farm some gold. When I started to dip in gold too hard I just did Deep Forest Road from the end of Thursday dailies until I started saving for Monday Dailies (through one weekend) and had over a million gold on both accounts again. Another idea to slow the drop in gold is simply sell the Iron units (and Bronze Mages/Soliders (if BSII) if you want), and only keep the Hashims.
    The spoiler below contains my armies.
    Advice is always welcome.
    Below that is a link to my army thread with even more details!

    My Army Thread!

  3. #3
    I found grinding up my golds/plats to level 60/70 wasn't that hard if you focus on key units first. You want your base team to be awesome. That said as a free player I'm not exactly loaded with high rarity units.

    I manually ground up Sophie from about level 70 to 80 over the past 2 weeks due to a lack of black spirits and XP plats. I started with 500k gold and finished up with around 80k. But I was also doing Base Scramble II an Golden Armor X which makes a huge difference. Golden X is like 20 extra charisma for an additional 10500 gold per run if you can consistently 3 star it. It also helped I built up my gold when we had the 1.5x drop a couple of weeks ago.

    As for Themis and Claudia I have both maxed and Claudia is clearly superior. I lacked decent duelists early on so levelling Themis made sense. Now she mostly sits on the sidelines as I have picked up other duelists that are better than her like Imelia.

    If you are happy to wait for the XP plats to drop and be patient that works. Or you can grind level the hard way starting from a massive gold reserve. I'd recommend at least Base Scramble II for that, Golden Armor X as well is ideal.
    Last edited by slyyr; 06-30-2016 at 01:23 AM.

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