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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Hmm, I'll probably go with Dorca then. If I use the 2nd copy of Iris to CR/SU the other, is there an optimal level I should have the fodder Iris be?
    Im no pro at this game so other veterans may tell you something different and I hope they correct me if I am wrong but with Iris seeing as her skill changes after CC and if you wish to use your second Iris as fodder for your main like I do you will need to CC her also (which can be a little costly in terms of silver units if you have multiple, I have had 3 Iris I have used this way.)

    I lvled the fodder Iris to lvl 30 and then CCed and lvled once again to 20-30 so my fodder Iris was 30CC30, a lvl 30cc20 Iris will net you about 710 xp so best used with gold spirits too if your main can still be lvled to max. Just remember a CR and skill up aren't guaranteed the closer you get to max CR and Skill up so it can quite a painful method to do if it doesn't always work.

    You can find charts on chances of skill and and CR here.

  2. #2
    The "optimal" level to merge units whos skill changes after CC is 30CC20
    If the unit does not get a new skill after CC just level 10 (not CC'd or anything).

    For your Iris it would be 30CC20.

    Having said that, I used two Iris's until I got Fedora and Camilla. Now I use those 3. I hated using duplicate units, but honestly, Iris is way better than the silver healers, though you absolutely want to hold on to a low cost silver healer. Some maps need to to bring out a healer quickly, and silver units are easy to CR as well as being cheap to deploy.

    Keep in mind some maps will require 3 healers... and I remember needing 4 in one or two maps, (though I wouldn't worry about those fringe cases). Honestly, Until you pick up another healer (Camilla, Fedora or if the trading post starts rotating again Chydis) I'd rock both Iris's, and a silver of your choice.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    The optimal is CC10. Getting them to 20-30 costs more than you gain so it's a net loss.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenhou View Post
    The optimal is CC10. Getting them to 20-30 costs more than you gain so it's a net loss.
    Cool, I will note that for next time when I use CC units as fodder.

  5. #5
    When I started both my accounts (and the 100+ rerolls I did) I kept getting two Iris's at level 10 (well one at level 10 and one the next time I logged in). When I asked this question it was suggested that I use both Iris's with my Alissa on my black account, but I got Marr on my two plat account for a third healer. Even with that being the case I have been considering leveling the second Iris as my 4th healer for Immortal Beast, and any other maps that may need four healers. I have yet to need two cheap healers.
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