I already feel super lucky if i get 1 usefull plat out of 14 rolls lol. Thats exactly what i did. 14 Rolls got 4 silvers (no archers D: ), 9 golds (they loved me this time) 2 which i wanna use being 2*Mehlis and Zola. And 1 Plat being Sherry which made me reaaaly happy, cause as u can see my team consists out of 90% golds or lower units AND i lacked a strong duelist besides Imelia.


I didnt expect any blacks or more then one plat from 14 pulls so im fine. Only thing i am kinda... not pleased about is that i got Garret. I REALY REALY need an tank, i only have 1 silver HA. Garret cant tank what Bernard cant tank. I even had to awaken Katie first to get a substitute tank and help my bernard. I hoped so much to pull a bernice between those 9 golds but well. This is RNG after all. My tanks bother me. Besides that im absolutly fine with 3 units that make it into my core. Just need the silver Mages/Archers and the orbs for sherry y.y