I went on a rampage and did 20 rolls today. got lots of gold units... almost everything was a duplicate of what i already have. got 2 platinums: 3rd copy of Marnie and 2nd copy of Shizuka. Also got 2 blacks: 2nd copy of Minerva and a Farne. I'm so upset I can't seem to get Sophie who is my most wanted unit since I started playing.
I have a few questions to ask from the more experienced players:
Is Farne useful? I have no idea how summoners work. and should I feed my 2nd Minerva to the one I already have(cc40)?
Also, I know samurai is probably the weakest unit in the game but am I mistaken in thinking Shizuka would actually be a good tank if leveled high enough with 100% affection?

All in all I guess I can't complain that much. got 2 blacks and a lot more gold+ units than silvers - even though everything was a duplicate - yet I'm still somewhat sad I can't get my waifu :/