@Drimian - really want raven on our version. she has a grea design imo.

@SabishiiRyuu - that's an impossibly strong lineup mate. Actually i'd suggest keeping on to plat copies for once , since if we ever get rainbow curency (i think that's how it was called...or whatever...) , u will have the option of releasing your copies for thhat and get some really sick stuff.

Now looking at your team , u leveled pretty much the most important stuff , except despara. U should raise her as well since she is an insane witch.

Amelia is a great pirate that can hit 5 units at once and can buff your minerva.

Getting a min cost fedora and AW her as well could make her a very very very cheap healer , which is always nice to have.

Awakening olivie is also a good choice since she has a pretty good AW in general , by buffing elf (dwarfs as well i think...oh , half elfs as well) units.

Flamel is also an incredible unit to have , and i've heard some dmm players saying that priest warriors in general are amazing as a class.

Zola is also a good unit for a gold , and can help in dailies vs eyes (but seeing amelia and minerva there , i doubt u will have issues with that anyway)