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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Nero010 View Post
    Yeah but the summon chance up doesnt work with rare summon and for gold units summon chance up can actualy "happen" ... sometimes.

    I even got one showcased plat once! It was my first plat. I didnt even want her but whatever lol it was Marnie. On my first freemium saved sc roll.

    I did the impossible now and was stupid enough to say "god damn screw it" i had 18 sc saved from events that i didnt put into anything, for event units and rainy days, but i was so fed up i just said fck it go for it. I did one more pull. One more. And it gave me Bernice.
    I was happier then when i got Garania lol. I threw in my last 10 sc too then getting Garret right after that. Like a bitch slap, telling me i had to use all my brought sc and THEN spending my last savings they throw dem heavys at me.
    Still an overall pretty bad result for 17 pulls getting 1 plat and 5 golds, but its ok. Garania is a good plat i heared and i got the heavy that my team did need. I will use Garret to AW Bernice since she eats 5 heavys otherwise.

    I can rest now.
    When i have awed and maxed most my team in a couple months and i get bored a/f i might spend another dice but i have enough of wasting sc on summons. Getting 3 plats out of 210 SC spend in lifetime on summons is not lucky enough to risk frustration going for it again any soon. Im happy with my team. Besides a Pirate or an VH i have pretty much at least one gold of everything needed now, even an gold fencer if i should ever need one and three sweet plats. War of Magic has to wait until we get an Event Witch.
    I still find it funny how they "hide" Aisha on the Premium Summon Chance up Banner.

    EDIT: I know it has been discussed a million times but... i hope i could get an specific answer for myself befor i invest anything. My best valk was Elaine. Whos better now? A fresh from Summoning Kerry or max cr 4/5 skill Emilia? I dont need any duelist i have sherry and imelia for that, i just need them for common valk porpuses and maybe some extra cheap duelist. Who should i invest in?
    Congratz!! Glad you finally got that heavy you have been wanting for so long, I guess she gets top priority on the lvling list?

    SC spending can be quite cruel, where it is true I have had a handful of good runs with it, there is a lot of bad runs too, though I have a lot of gold spares for lvling should I need but I am holding onto them for this gold unit trading in system I have heard about.

    I am currently focusing my efforts on lvling my team before I buy any more units, want to have most lvled before we get bombed with new events and content (Should that ever be the case).

    As for the valks, it depends what you want to get out of them. Like you I don't need the valks to be a duelist as I have others who are much more powerful in that department so I use valks as a sub duelist should I need them or for there ability to give UP and good recall value. I have Elanie, Kerry, Emilia, Thetis and Dahlia.

    But I really only use Elanie as my main valk and reason being is she is my cheapest valk so I can deploy her quickly and she can hold her own, even as a lightning rod. I have lvled up Kerry and Emilia as back ups should I need someone more powerful but if you only need them to valk stuff then Elanie works just fine.

    If you are looking for one of the two higher ones to take her place though I would say choose Kerry, Emilia isn't a bad unit with her skill but Kerrys base stats top Emilias and Emilia will really only come into her own once her skill is active but you would only really need that if she was going to be a duelist and that would only work in some situations that Kerry couldn't already handle. I believe your time would be better spent on Kerry, she is a better base valk that Emilia so you can throw her into most situations no issue where Emilia would still be good but not at Kerry's lvl unless her skill is active.

    As a valk Elanie is your best option as she is cheap to deploy and also has better base stats at max CC than Emilia (Except health my a small margin), the only reason you would choose Kerry over her is if you wanted someone more powerful. Also you only lose a couple UP with Elanie and Kerry with no CR compared to Emilias max CR, I don't believe you will find many situations where 1-3 UP will matter when you are using a valk to gain UP.

    In the end though I guess it is what you feel is better, I believe your time would be better spent on Kerry.
    My Aigis Army (Updated as of 15/October/2016)

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    Elaine and Emilia have nearly identical stats, but one turns into a god during skill. She's also a lot cheaper to deploy than Kerry unless already mincosted. Mincost Emilia is same as maxcost Elaine. I'd use Emilia all day if I got a decent copy and haven't already leveled the Kerry. Dahlia, Thetis and Clissa are different stories, but are also kind of different units with how much more they cost to deploy.

    @Nero I was in same boat, spent 155 SC waiting for Premium boost (31 summons).

    Bernice and Yuyu are the only gold units left in game I need. Get 11 gold units which is dead average. None of them Yuyu or Bernice. Overall my luck was killer though, scoring 8 plats and a black unit. I just really wanted a better Heavy or a Witch to beat War of Magic. Instead I got Adele and Farne so at least now I can do Spirit Rescue G and Golden Armor G when they are leveled. Would snap trade 4-5 of marginal Plats I got for a Yuyu and Bernice if I could. Here's hoping for Bellinda revival and Bernice + Yuyu gold rush to celebrate Nutaku takeover. I believe Bernice was on first one but not Yuyu, but Bernice seems pretty important for players who don't score Gellius or Deine.

  3. #3
    20 rolls today, and all I got was a Dahlia. Little bit upset, but gives me something to do with the spare Conrad's.

    Was really hoping for a Yuyu...

  4. #4

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    Its funny how we all chase Yuyu and/or Bernice instat of the Plats or Black haha.
    I would be fine with Dahlia, she looks like an awesome mage killer better then princesses on this task (since many mages have mr), but Garania (the plat i got) is just as fine as her in her own role i heared.
    I also own, now that i finaly got bernice, pretty much every usefull (and not usefull) gold besides Yuyu or maybe Vincent and Monica. Cause during my last pulls i got 8 golds. Thanks to me being lucky enough to have pulled sherry when going for jerome/marr on my last spree along the golds i can pretty much call her the queen of golds (even though she also boosts my few silvers too of course :P). It always makes me a little sad when i look at Event units and i know they dont get boosted by her haha.
    I have to take that into Account too when looking at the question of vanilla kerry or max cr Emilia (4/5) since my Kerry gets boosted by Sherry but Emilia doesnt, making her soo much better outside of skill use.
    Btw what u are forgetting is that Emilia is a lot stronger then Elaine on max cc due to her Affection Bonus. She ends up at 30+ more atk and over 220 more hp with an 10 times better skill. And awakening makes her clear out of elaines leauge for same UP. So comparing her to Kerry makes more sense.
    Kerry Actualy has same base ATK as Emilia at max cc thanks to Affection, same HP and 30 more Def the only stat she beats Emilia at. Emilia though whos skill is up sooner and lasts longer boosts also her defence and her attack by far more then vanilla kerrys. I did throw my little Emilia at 47 none cc at phalanx, her skill realy gets up fast and when its active she can even duel the red armors not even being cced (even though not very effectiv but valks arent supposed to be effective against armors).
    Awakening changes things cause Kerry gains 35% more ATK but also loses out on ATK speed, u shouldnt forget that, her dps is noticable lower than that of a valk with same ATK then her as she attacks slower. In situations where she just has to one shot things and that not too fast it makes her superior and thats more or less the reason why i consider her because valks are supposed to one hit trash and generate up all on thier own. HP are the same and Defence might be 40 higher but Emilias Awakening Passive makes pretty much up for having 40 less defence and even works on magic damage. Its just more rng based but it WILL proc. It just doesnt help her in ramping up UP. Emilia with her skill and passive looks to be made more to duell then to ramp up. But of course she could also ramp up easy once her skill is up. With kerry and Emilia skill up thier atk should be around the same max aw. Higher for Kerry if her skill level is increased. Still not higher DPS though as her attack is slower then Emilias so she still wins outside of one shotting. A lot less tanky too. Less UP on Emilias side too but idk if that plays a big role in this case.
    Thats why i pretty much dont know who i want. The AWed better ramper or the skill monster that can be turned into a duelist? Tough decision as i have no time to rise both atm. If just someone had them both AWed and could already give experience about whos better in practice lol. I dont even know how huge the attack speed decrese for AW Kerry is in practice.

  5. #5
    Yeah, Elaine's biggest advantage is simple availability. The best argument for using her is simply that she's a sunk cost on many teams and there's more interesting units than either her or Emilia.

  6. #6

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    Then Mischa comes around and assumes her rightful throne of best free valkyrie XD

    One thing needs to be noted about AW Kerry's ramp: her slower attack speed means she will leak goblins in the swarming situation even if she could one-shot them.

  7. #7
    got 3 silvers out of 6 SP summons. guess, that's good enough for me.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Nero010 View Post
    Kerry Actualy has same base ATK as Emilia at max cc thanks to Affection, same HP and 30 more Def the only stat she beats Emilia at. Emilia though whos skill is up sooner and lasts longer boosts also her defence and her attack by far more then vanilla kerrys. I did throw my little Emilia at 47 none cc at phalanx, her skill realy gets up fast and when its active she can even duel the red armors not even being cced (even though not very effectiv but valks arent supposed to be effective against armors).
    Yeah rookie error, most of the time I play aigis for the fun of it and not really take affection bonuses into unit calculations. But I do see your point, though if you wanted a valk just for having a valk would AW really be worth it? I suppose if you were to AW Kerry or Emilia then Emilia might be your better option as others have mentioned Kerry doesn't hit as fast thus lets more of certain hordes on enemies slip past.

    Not having AW any of those two yet I couldn't say who feels the best Awakened. I have Kerry at a stage I can Awaken her but I have much more important units to AW first like Sybilla! Lacking the orbs to do so
    My Aigis Army (Updated as of 15/October/2016)

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Rich View Post
    Yeah rookie error, most of the time I play aigis for the fun of it and not really take affection bonuses into unit calculations. But I do see your point, though if you wanted a valk just for having a valk would AW really be worth it? I suppose if you were to AW Kerry or Emilia then Emilia might be your better option as others have mentioned Kerry doesn't hit as fast thus lets more of certain hordes on enemies slip past.

    Not having AW any of those two yet I couldn't say who feels the best Awakened. I have Kerry at a stage I can Awaken her but I have much more important units to AW first like Sybilla! Lacking the orbs to do so
    You wouldn't AW a Valkyrie just because you want a Valkyrie, you'd AW her because you want the:
    1) early UP ramp that's "free" (100% UP refund on withdrawal when AW)
    2) decent lightning rod (Valkyries have MR)
    3) decent duelist (Valkyries are a poor-man's princess against physical units and better damage against mages due to those enemies have MR to reduce princess' magic damage)

    The first note is in particular the reason you'd use Valkyries at all if you have a Princess above Themis. If not, Valkyries can fill in for them as per note 3. For note 2, the only other option readily available (read: not premium summon-based) is bandits (higher HP, no MR) unless you got Claudia during her event (if you have Karma you've been playing long enough to likely have a plethora of options if you didn't take a break)

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
    You wouldn't AW a Valkyrie just because you want a Valkyrie, you'd AW her because you want the:
    1) early UP ramp that's "free" (100% UP refund on withdrawal when AW)
    2) decent lightning rod (Valkyries have MR)
    3) decent duelist (Valkyries are a poor-man's princess against physical units and better damage against mages due to those enemies have MR to reduce princess' magic damage)

    The first note is in particular the reason you'd use Valkyries at all if you have a Princess above Themis. If not, Valkyries can fill in for them as per note 3. For note 2, the only other option readily available (read: not premium summon-based) is bandits (higher HP, no MR) unless you got Claudia during her event (if you have Karma you've been playing long enough to likely have a plethora of options if you didn't take a break)
    I'm still rather new so have missed most of the flashey event units, still have a good team base that I don't really need valks to stand in as a duelist. Though I still use valks from time to time and I guess they become most useful during subjugation type events.

    So I would mainly be using the likes of Kerry and Emilia for option one and possibly two if need be, I do have other more powerful stand ins.
    My Aigis Army (Updated as of 15/October/2016)

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