Elaine and Emilia have nearly identical stats, but one turns into a god during skill. She's also a lot cheaper to deploy than Kerry unless already mincosted. Mincost Emilia is same as maxcost Elaine. I'd use Emilia all day if I got a decent copy and haven't already leveled the Kerry. Dahlia, Thetis and Clissa are different stories, but are also kind of different units with how much more they cost to deploy.

@Nero I was in same boat, spent 155 SC waiting for Premium boost (31 summons).

Bernice and Yuyu are the only gold units left in game I need. Get 11 gold units which is dead average. None of them Yuyu or Bernice. Overall my luck was killer though, scoring 8 plats and a black unit. I just really wanted a better Heavy or a Witch to beat War of Magic. Instead I got Adele and Farne so at least now I can do Spirit Rescue G and Golden Armor G when they are leveled. Would snap trade 4-5 of marginal Plats I got for a Yuyu and Bernice if I could. Here's hoping for Bellinda revival and Bernice + Yuyu gold rush to celebrate Nutaku takeover. I believe Bernice was on first one but not Yuyu, but Bernice seems pretty important for players who don't score Gellius or Deine.