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  1. #1

    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    legend stamp gives you a plat ticket which is great.

    Honestly , those are not necesarily bad rolls. Some are really good , but as someone that doesn't usually uses money on games as well , i can understand how frustrating it would be to invest and not get a black.

    Now , sherry is an obvious good pickup , since she is a huge buffer for anything gold or bellow after AW. She's 1 of my most wanted units because of that.

    Marr is also a really good unit , because there are plenty of maps with weather effects that she can reduce the effect of.

    Shizuka - i actually got 1 of her myself btu i never got to use her , but talking about samurais....she's probably the only one worth using (well...chizuru is as well in certain situations)

    Rachel - is also considered a really good pirate with very good dps. Generally speaking , pirates attack from big range , and hit like a truck , but they are slow. Rachel attacks from even farther since she gains range up as an AW passive , gains 70% extra damage , and she also attacks faster because of her skill. COnsidering she's a pirate and she already has pretty high base damage , with her skill up , rachel is really good.

    Uru - she is a really good monk and post skill awakening , she can probably duel as well. Her SAW for example gives her 2.2x HP/attack (for first activation to be fair. Second and third give less) and true damage. COnsidering she already has high base attack and hp (around 2.7k and 780 damage without prince buff) as well as 50% chance to dodge stuff , you can make the math

    As for the golds....well you got a couple good golds as well : zola (high dps cannoner that can turn her damage magical and outdps pretty much any mage because of her skill which gives her 20% more damage on top of already high damage that she has , and her rapid shot AW passive which increases her attack speed)
    That makes her a pretty versatile unit , since she can deal with both high armor and high magic resistance units. She is not a bad draw at all.

    Claire - claire is a decent archer before SAW , with a 1.8x attack buff and a rapid fire AW ability which gives her the chance of friing 3 arrows at once (10% chance) - which is not bad at all, but she gets overshadowed by spica's constant 7% buff to all archers and her skill which improves range and has a rather long time. Also bashira is better in terms of sustained dps , so between spica and bashira , both niches are covered for the most part.

    Instead , her SAW gives her a different niche : her attack is reduced to 0.9X , and her rapid fire doesn't activate anymore (but she gets increased speed) , but she can attack 3 people at the same time. Rather usefull i'd say

    And lastly chizuru - chizuru is great in 1 specific instance. Not that remarkable otherwise. She is a great lightnig rod. She is quite a bit cheaper to deploy then other samurais , and has lower defense. Instead she has higher damage and quite a lot of hp (especially post AW)
    Her skill makes her attract all ranged attacks and gives her 80% dodge to them , including to single targeted magic attacks (which as far as i know , is the single skill that does that).
    Ofc , aoe attacks like mages fireball still hurt her , but single target attacks - say liches , can be dodged at 80% , which combined with her innate hp (3.6k past awakening at max level) makes her rather usefull to have in those situations.
    Still she has paper armor , so unless you use her to attract and dodge range stuff , you're better of using anything else to block and fight physical dps...

    All in all , you didn't got bad rolls at all. I can understand if you are disapointed at not getting blacks , but your rolls are plenty good on their own....especially when Skill awakening arives.

    Thanks Lolix for taking some time to look over my pulls and give me that rundown. I appreciate it! It helped me understand a lot more why some of these characters are pretty good

    I think I'll focus on developing Sherry, Rachel, Marr and Zola for right now. They can definitely add a lot to my lineup and give me more flexibility. Them and the event units coming up will give me plenty to do for a while. Then I can return to some of the characters like Shizuka and Uru I pulled and start leveling them.

    After sleeping on it and seeing your write up, I'm feeling a lot better about my pulls. No blacks, but at 3% you can't really expect it. (even if you want it lol.)

  2. #2

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    Thx , glad it helped , because honestly those are not bad rolls at all. You will also get another plat at minimum because of the plat ticket (it's a guaranteed plat + 10% - if i remember corectly - chance of black)

    I'd suggest using it when a good plat unit is in the spotlight , since rollign for blacks is never a great ideea. Even with 10% , it's still a rather low chance.

    And keep in mind that there are plenty of plats that are competitive with blacks of their own class. Gelius is a great heavy to have , and while he is not even close to deine or dina in terms of dps , he is still better then those in terms of pure defense and blocking power

    Uzume is probably better then matsuri as well for the simple fact that her AW passive is universal (buffs both ranged units as well) and her skill is pretty big (+30% damage).

    Uru is probably comparable with her black post SAW (alice which we don't have yet). Alice gains kinda the oposite of Uru's skill after SAW , meaning that her buffs start low and get higher (except hp which increases permanently after each activation). Uru gets true damage tho. Ofc after the 3rd activation , alice will definetly be the better monk , but during first and second , i'd argue that uru is probably better.

    And there are probably more that i don't remember at the moment . Either way , u still have the plat ticket as well , so at least u get 1 more guaranteed plat. With a bit of luck , maybe a black
    Last edited by lolix; 04-16-2017 at 10:48 AM.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
    Thx , glad it helped , because honestly those are not bad rolls at all. You will also get another plat at minimum because of the plat ticket (it's a guaranteed plat + 10% - if i remember corectly - chance of black)

    I'd suggest using it when a good plat unit is in the spotlight
    I could be wrong, but seeing as the platinum ticket is not the Summon Premium Unit button, I don't think the spotlight affects it (much like the spotlight does not affect Summon Rare Unit, Summon Base Unit SB, or Summon Base Unit). I also vaguely remember attempting to look up if premium summon rates impacted it when they were first introduced on Nutaku and finding the answer from DMM to be negative, but that was a while ago so I may be mistaken. Is there anything that indicates otherwise?

    Anyway, the ticket aside, might as well mention my own recent summon attempt story even if it wasn't today (it was Tuesday when she was first added). I'd decided to try rolling for Leda because a thief can be quite handy for some dailies and collection events. Started out by burning through my Pieces of Crystal ('d had about 250 saved up), and about halfway through I see the glow of a plat summon. Wind up getting Liddy, which wasn't bad as I didn't have her yet even if I'm not overly desirous of Pegasus Riders. All I'd had previously was a handful of the gold one who didn't seem strong enough to invest in leveling.

    Alas, I did not get Leda with the shards, so I moved on to attempting premium rolls. That day I made around five or six rolls. The first one or two were irrelevant silver or gold units. Then, as I saw the glow of black, and found myself with Esther. I was slightly disappointed with the specific black, as out of those I'm missing I didn't really care about getting her, but she is one I'd lacked and she does seem potentially good as a gate keeper. I did at least now have all of the Pegasus Riders. However two rolls later, I once more saw the tell tale glow of black, this time getting Clissa. Once more I was somewhat disappointed, because I hadn't really been particularly interested in getting her outside rounding out my collection, but at least she is potentially useful, and she does complete my collection of Valkyries. After this I made another roll or two that had forgettable gold or silver results, and I did not succeed in getting Leda (though I did manage to attain her later in the week).

    Overall, the results of the rolls felt a bit trolly. Having gotten two non-dupe black units, I can't really be too upset, yet at the same time they're blacks I'm not particularly interested in, and probably won't use any time soon. Aigis seems to have decided that day I was in need of more complete collections of riders, though if that's the case, I can't help but think Daisy, the last mounted premium unit I'm missing, might have the potential to see more use than the girls I got (though maybe not, as I do have a few good Ninja and a Sabinne already to fill my need for melee slot ranged, even if they aren't quite so long raged).

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by NotThatGuy View Post
    Aigis seems to have decided that day I was in need of more complete collections of riders, though if that's the case, I can't help but think Daisy, the last mounted premium unit I'm missing, might have the potential to see more use than the girls I got

    Esther is like a hojillion times better than Daisy. Like, super duper better--there's a fair number of black units I would trade for Esther with zero hesitation. Esther is affected by her own AW ability and therefore has a 60+ seconds of uptime versus 25 seconds of downtime on her skill, during which she's dealing 700+ damage in an area at roughly three times the attack speed of the average mage or artillery officer. Throw in the fact that she ramps, has 100% withdraw and flies over melee units and you have the makings a top rate spawn camper. And I can't emphasize this enough: What I just described is Esther at her nadir of usefulness. Post SAW her skill gets better duration and a 1.5 damage modifier at the cost of some defense.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by kayfabe View Post
    Esther is like a hojillion times better than Daisy.
    I'm aware Esther is quite good, having looked up what she does both when she came out on Nutaku, and when I obtained her. I have also begun putting some resources into leveling her, both for her potential in up generation and as a gatekeeper that works in the opposite manner to Sophie (and can be healed unlike Rika). However, while she certainly seems good, I rarely use units in the roll she fills (though perhaps that will change once I get her awakened and leveled a bit). Melee slot ranged units I know are useful and make frequent use of (though in fairness, I'd probably not actually bother levelling Daisy given other options I have, at least not any time soon). The main issue though, in so far as there is one, is that she likely won't be getting leveled to a usable degree soon on account of other priorities I have at present. Namely, improving my DC farming team to take into account boosted stats from a thief, and boosting my ranged magic damage in preparation for more golems (rather wished I'd managed to pull an Estelle as one of those two blacks, but alas). On the bright side, the announcement of no event this next week combine with boosted daily drops means those are both less urgent than they might be, so maybe I'll be able to divert some resources into her.

  6. #6

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    BOTH black and plat in 5 rolls! Both are dupes... Oh well, at least I've got me some Thief

  7. #7
    10 draws last week trying to get the thief;
    8 silver & 2 dupe gold

    10 draws today trying to get Cellia;
    3 silver
    6 gold, 3 monicas (who I already have) 2 more dupes and an Ellett
    1 plat Mia (yea)

    Also decided to finally spend my 600 SP crystals
    4 gold; Momo, Yuyu, Mehlis (all new to me), & Garrett
    2 plat; Sherry, Dahlia (also all new).

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