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  1. #1
    Did three ill advised rolls given I am a freemium player since I really like Alta, wasn't expecting anything. First roll was a Claire which stung since I have her CC already, third was Cecily which was what I was expecting. The secound though, was a B. Iris... Good God Aegis finally smiled upon me!

    Granted this is the third black I get that was not being promoted. First one on Nutaku was Berna trying to get Sophie, secound on DMM tried to get Sylvia and got a black alchemist, and lastly B. Iris for Alta (Altair sounds better). I am not complaining, anyone who does so is mad, but can someone please explain the boosted summon to me?

  2. #2
    it's chance UP, not guaranteed. if you have a 5% chance to get any black and a 10% chance to get the boosted unit then it counts.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    The spotlight works like this:
    When you do a summon you do 2 rolls.
    1st roll - determine what rarity you get
    2nd roll - determine what unit within that rarity you get

    It's the 2nd roll that the premium spotlight affect, the rate i do not know.

    For the sake of argument, let's say the effect makes it so you have a 30% chance to get the black in the spotlight. Then that's still 70% chance to get any other black. 30% chance is still way better than the normal rate, though, which is 100 divided by every nutaku black :P
    Last edited by Tenhou; 06-28-2017 at 12:09 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2016
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    Im kinda... idk how i feel.

    I HAD to buy my third barracks (hold off for weeks until there was just no other way around anymore) so why not make next month a legend stamp card. At my fifth pull i see a black light and am all hyped up, i only got 2 blacks since 1 1/2 years of playing and i never got one that "easy" or "fast" (spend 250 sc for those 2 i have). And out of all the 30 blacks i could pull i get one of the two i already own, being Grace... -1 CR doesnt even help her. Like for real.
    THAT is GATCHA. At least i can still laugh about it.
    Funny talking about chances here, how high is the chance for that to happen to me? Theres a 6.6% Chance for me pulling a black i already own (not considering the chance up black), considering the 3% chance of a black appearing theres a 0.198% chance of pulling a black i already own. Guess i got lucky xD

    EDIT: I honestly cant stop laughing. Shortly after my dublicate black i draw the first plat, being Shasha which is litelary the first time in 1 1/2 years of playing that i draw a plat/black chance up unit. Thats ok, i mean i already have grace, farne and garania and rather rly need some physical dmg instat of magic but Sasha is a good unit.
    Two pulls later the second plat glow and im pulling a duplicate Sasha! Thats too great xD
    9 pulls 1 black 2 plats. Which sounds pretty awesome. 1 Black duplicate and 2 times the same plat jesus. And they are both units who dont care about Cring at all lol
    Last edited by Nero010; 06-28-2017 at 09:08 AM.

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