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  1. That's a impressive line-up for 28 draws.That aside, in order to at least 3* map 7 you will need 4 healers(yes 4 HEALERS, unless you can roll out Marr before the event) and at least 3 duelist as well as a solid tank.It's a shame you don't have Imelia but a newbie won't be able to AW a unit in a few weeks anyway, so I suggest you work on Leeanne for now.Your 3 duelist should be Lyla, Conrad and Mortimer/Eunice(I don't include Sybilla in here because she is a black lvl will be much harder compare to silver and pla, but if you use her she should at least be in 60 - 70 to be decent, the video guide use a AWed Olivie but since Olivie has paper health you can just lvl Sybilla to 60 - 70 and take care of the healers firs)t.But tbh you'll need to spend more to get silvers to CC your pla otherwise it would be quite a long stretch and did you use your silver to CR already because that's way too few healer I see.Oh and another thing, you shouldn'y use Lyla as a lightning rod, just spend a few and try to get Niel, or better yet, Sophie instead, the ability to avoid melee is invaluable in this event.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Rich View Post
    I haven't looked fully into the event but I believe even I will have trouble getting a perfect event unit and I have maxed out a lot of my core units including sybilla and a few other special units. With the event closing in you should do ok, just don't expect to be able to do the event well/perfect.

    It may be worth checking out which units if you haven't already (sound like you may have) you need to max out. If I am not mistaken Elaine wouldn't be a bad lightining rod but lyla would be your best bet.

    Sorry I couldn't be more help, I am yet to fully look into this event so I am not to sure how I will stand up against it. (I am in my thrid month of playing.)

    Best of luck to ya!
    If you watched the video you could see that the lightning rod should not lose health outside of range attack(I mean they should not engage in melee).Angel is the most suited for this task, beside Sailor and Puppeter.The Lich King attack is way too painful even with 20 MR( which is Niel MR in DMM, only 10 in Nu).A duelist will engage in melee and lost even more health, strain the healer even more.
    Last edited by HellamongHeaven; 07-06-2016 at 01:24 AM. Reason: incorrect

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by HellamongHeaven View Post
    That aside, in order to at least 3* map 7 you will need 4 healers(yes 4 HEALERS, unless you can roll out Marr before the event) and at least 3 duelist as well as a solid tank.
    Yeah, you need a crap ton of healing and good micro OR enough sheer DPS that you can spawn camp the Lich King and kick his ass down the stairs before all your skills run out. Personally, I went the latter route and while it's a simpler path in terms of placement and needs less healers it's also a route that is likely going to be out of reach for many teams, including the OP. When I did it I had AW Sybilla, AW Elizabeth, AW Iris, AW Katie as well as Sophie, Fedora, Waltz, and Horace all cc'd. It handled things nicely but even with an Arch Angel soaking lich bolts I was still putting down some skellies to give Iris a breather.

  3. #3

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    u need 2 healers and either a good duelist or a good multihitting dpser (nanally/elizabeth). It's easier to do with a very good duelist.

  4. #4
    As others said you will not be able to 3 star the last 2 maps unless you have a nearly fully AW'd team. Even with 6 AW'd units I couldn't do it. You CAN however get the 21 stars needed if you max CC some of your units. It's quite easy to get 2 stars for the last map and even Slay the King of the Dead with some decent micro.

  5. #5

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    actually iits possible to 3 star last 2 maps without fully aw teams. Hell u can do it with just cc-ed stuff , assuming u have the right units for them. For example , i've used 3 AW units for the last map and those were bernice and iris and spica (spica being aw isnt that important) . Other then that i used solano and 3 max level cc-ed gold + mages (odette ,cyrus and barbastrof) , besides that , i've also had nanaly. ALl in all i had pretty much insane dps.

    But it can be done even without nanaly. you would still require 3 mages tho. take a look : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjb4BoWDCb4

    good duelists (i used imelia , claudia and AW celia) , and a lot more beefy stuff to use as rods (i used stuff like condrad and mortimer since they can take 2 hits from the king before i have to recall them) , maybe an odette. If u have nanaly and elizabeth , u won't even need 3 duelists. 2 will be enough , and u can use the rest as rods.
    Last edited by lolix; 07-23-2016 at 02:33 PM.

  6. #6
    It probably goes without saying but the other common component in the brute force approach is a dancer. Elizabeth without a dancer is a very good unit who doesn't always live up to the hype but with a dancer she is flat out murderous.

  7. #7
    OP here, just checking in that I've 3 starred the first 6 maps for now(didn't need to spend any SCs yet) and am levellling up my team for an attempt for 3 more stars out of the remaining 6 next week. Thanks for all the advice.

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