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  1. #1
    It probably goes without saying but the other common component in the brute force approach is a dancer. Elizabeth without a dancer is a very good unit who doesn't always live up to the hype but with a dancer she is flat out murderous.

  2. #2
    OP here, just checking in that I've 3 starred the first 6 maps for now(didn't need to spend any SCs yet) and am levellling up my team for an attempt for 3 more stars out of the remaining 6 next week. Thanks for all the advice.

  3. #3
    You'd think I'd learn by now to never, never, EVER go in blind for anything, but no. While the sixth mission is piss-easy, easier than the fifth oddly enough, the final one just kinda roflstomped me. Ugh.

    Still, I've done really well in this event, 3-starred every other mission. Only other gripe I have is the weird drop rate...
    Last edited by MalusCorvus; 07-18-2016 at 01:58 PM.

  4. #4
    OP checking back in again. I was able to 21 star this event with no SCs used! Video guides helped a lot. Time to farm silvers...

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by CallMeLaredo View Post
    OP checking back in again. I was able to 21 star this event with no SCs used! Video guides helped a lot. Time to farm silvers...
    Glad you could do it. Best of luck with your silver farming! The RNG may be the biggest challenge you face yet

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Jay Rich View Post
    Glad you could do it. Best of luck with your silver farming! The RNG may be the biggest challenge you face yet
    Tell me about it, 1 Calliope in about 28 runs through Innocent Madness. Meanwhile I get a multitude of Gold Spirits, a few Giovannis and even the occasional Assal but Calliope? Didn't get her to drop at all until run #19.

  7. #7
    Farming has been pretty good for me. So far gathered needed resources to AW 3 more units plus spares for other silver fodder. I'm at 20 stars and thats good enough for me. Better to focus on more farming than waste resources chasing that last star.

    Picking up 4 Heavies was a long process but relatively cheap considering 20/1 cost for doing it. Getting 2 witches and 3 healers was very tricky. Now i'm focusing on archers. I'm swimming in gold spirits to the point of burning some of them with L20 bronzes for unit leveling.

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