Quote Originally Posted by lolix View Post
you got some of the best duelists in game mate. Olivie is great with her only flaw being low hp. She has 1 of the highest dps , MR , and 1 of the best skills possible for a duelist.

Lyla is probably the highest dps duelist in the game , while themis is the also a great duelist , especially vs monsters that inflict status effects like paralyzing. She's imune to that.

Besides that u have some interesting golds as well , lika zola. She's so and so right now , but she's going to get better in the future. Ofc the gold mages are okay assuming u lack other plats , and u will need at least 1 more in the future cc-ed

Another unit i would really advice u to raise is marnie, assuming u dont have waltxz. Well marnie will get a better SAW anyway. Dancers are 1 of my favorite classes besides archers , prince and solano. They also massively buff multi hit units as elizabeth. An AW elizabeth with a dancer near her would pretty much make mince meat of any undead , more so then even a nanaly on her skill usage.

Edit : dont waste resources on tehmis
Thanks for the advices mate. I'll look into Lyla(which i got very recently) and Marnie. Can you tell me who to awaken after Sasha and Adele? Olivie?