Hi there, I'm actually an old player (I started right after the first event, I can call myself old, right?). Things have been going smoothly, and I've finally managed to perfect Memento in the last event. But I'm quite lost about what to do next. Not that I don't have any idea at all, I'm just not sure if they're actually good.

First, here's my army and primary team, sorted by class and rarity.


Here's what I'm thinking, and want to ask about -

1. Upping Maribel. Deine is strong, but costly. And at the moment, the only tank in my team.

2. Horace. I'm surprised Saki is so weak compared to her (or is there a hidden attribute I'm missing?).

3. Shelly. I don't use many Gold or below, so I'm a bit conflicted. Though she is strong without doubt.

4. Rita, Bashira looks stronger, but costs more. And Spica is already mincosted, so I'm not exactly worried.

5. Should I keep Cloris, or swap her for Shiho? There's not much difference in states, and I already have 3 healers.

And finally, could it be.... that Memento is frigging worthless except for a select few scenarios?

Any help is much appreciated, and feel free to suggest anything you see fit. Thanks in advance.