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  1. #1

    Requesting Advice for Team Building/Improvements

    Hi there, I'm actually an old player (I started right after the first event, I can call myself old, right?). Things have been going smoothly, and I've finally managed to perfect Memento in the last event. But I'm quite lost about what to do next. Not that I don't have any idea at all, I'm just not sure if they're actually good.

    First, here's my army and primary team, sorted by class and rarity.


    Here's what I'm thinking, and want to ask about -

    1. Upping Maribel. Deine is strong, but costly. And at the moment, the only tank in my team.

    2. Horace. I'm surprised Saki is so weak compared to her (or is there a hidden attribute I'm missing?).

    3. Shelly. I don't use many Gold or below, so I'm a bit conflicted. Though she is strong without doubt.

    4. Rita, Bashira looks stronger, but costs more. And Spica is already mincosted, so I'm not exactly worried.

    5. Should I keep Cloris, or swap her for Shiho? There's not much difference in states, and I already have 3 healers.

    And finally, could it be.... that Memento is frigging worthless except for a select few scenarios?

    Any help is much appreciated, and feel free to suggest anything you see fit. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

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    Okay , first of all keep in mind that ill just talk about your units in no particular order. It's already a long post , and i'm too tired to even try an talk about order and strategy.

    well , u have some great units there...including sherry (which i have a personal boner for ) , but as u said , u don't have many gold units. Still 5%damage , hp , defense is not to be ignored , so u might as well awaken her. COnsidering u said spica is mincosted already , and that u have saki , i'm guessing dc's aren't a issue for u

    Also , i've noticed an uzume there. Awakening her will give your entire team a boost of 5% in damage.

    Marribel has black tier stats during her skill duration , but firstly , she's dependent on her skill to function , and secondly , Bernice outstats her in the tank department massively. A max level awakened marribel will have somewhere around 900 defense during her skill. bernice will be equal to that with just skill level 1. at max skill , she's better. ALso she is not crap without her skill
    And she also has a passive that increases deine's defense as well by 5%.
    I'd say go with bernice instead of marribel....especially if u decide to awaken sherry.

    Saki is the unit i hated the most as well , but she got buffed and her awakening makes her a lot cheaper as well. Awakening saki will make her cost 16 up. She also fills somewhat of an different role then horace. Horace can be used as a pseudo princes/duelist , or simply trown vs heavily armored stuff. COnsidering saki's damage , she's obviously not that good in those cases , but she has her uses as well with her range assasination and fast attack speed.

    Bashira does costs more , but she is your burst archer. Place her near a dancer and use both's skills at the same time (add an uzume at max level and awakened just for giggles) and your bashira will shoot voleys of over 4k. Can rita do that ? And even without uzume and the dancer buff , bashira will still hit 478 x 3 per volley (without prince buff and spica buff). That's plenty of damage. If u have to chose , i'd say go for bashira.

    Shiho will get a good SAW , when we finally get skill awakenings , which will let us chose to keep her as a permanent witch or permanent healer. That is really good since healer shiho heals a lot - comparable with camilla - but she also has a witch's attack speed >>> so faster heals. It's up to u in the end.

    Solano - not sure why this unit isn't maxed yet. It's an amazing unit and summoners are some of the highest aoe dpsers in the game.

    Lyla , lilia , Imelia , and claudia are all amazing duelists and should be leveled as well if possible

    Mehlis is a great mage and will get an amazing SAW in the future asw well.

    Finally katie and aria : there is literally no instance in which julien is better then both of them...other then having him min costed , but even then , i'd take katie and aria since her awakenings are much better. 2 extra defense and 2 extra offense for all units is rather nice.

    Actually u have a very good number of stat booster units that i'd take advantage off if i were u :

    Sherry : 5% def/attack/hp for golds
    Bernice : 5% extra def for all heavy armors
    Katie : extra 2% defense for all units
    SPica : 7% offense to archers
    Uzume : 5% offense to all
    Aria : 2% offense to all.
    Hell....even condrad buffs barbarians by 10% extra offense if you really have nothing to do with your DCs

    Now let's take bernice as an example : u can get her 12% extra defense , 5% extra hp , 12% extra offense easily because of your boosters. That's plat level stats right there.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Kili Krieger View Post
    2. Horace. I'm surprised Saki is so weak compared to her (or is there a hidden attribute I'm missing?).
    Attack speed, maybe? Saki is significantly faster than Spica or Rogues while Awakened Horace is as slow as a barbarian. Saki isn't a great choice against lots of armor but she shreds soft targets and can contribute just fine against most others during a dancer's skill activation. I've never considered her a priority unit but the case against her is considerably weakened by the balance patch's hefty UP reduction.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the feedback. I suppose I'll go with Bashira, Uzume, Bernice and Katie/Aria - not sure which yet.

    The reason behind not upping Solano is that her skill is at level 1, and 10 seconds of attack time every 24 seconds isn't exactly helpful in most cases...

    Mehlis should be a good choice to replace Valerie, it'll be costlier, but there's only so much you can do with Silver units.

    I actually forgot about Uzume, thanks for that.

    I suppose I'll keep both Clovis and Shiho for now, see which does better.

    Lilia has an interesting AW ability.... I suppose it's worth a shot....

    Once again, thanks.

  5. #5

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    Yes, Saki's main hand is her ridiculous attack speed (and ranged assassinate that gets to proc fairly often thanks to that speed), so she is more of a wave thinner to be used versus unarmored foes whom she shreds. It will later be reinforced by her Skill Awakening, that will let her attack up to 3 (three) targets in the range at the same time.
    Horace on the other hand suffers from the massive slowdown upon awakening, but offsets it with equally massive attack increase. This makes her more of a duelist / duelist supporter, especially against armored foes in skill.

    Memento's usefulness is equally proportional to the amount of units you'd rather keep out of your hair for a time and, especially, urgency of keeping their attention off your team. So yes, she does not offer much outside of a few delicate situations, but in these situations she can be invaluable.

    Bashira brings quite a good burst on the table. Rita, on the other hand, only offers utility of stealth - something nice to have in a few situations, but completely superfluous in most. So right now you will see much much more use from raising Bashira, especially when you have low-cost deployment covered by your Spica. Eventually you might want to raise Rita as well, but she is not a priority.

    Did I spy Marius there? And untouched at it? Well, if you ever find yourself wanting of a more magical AoE (and you want to have at least two good AoE running), you have your answer right there! He outranges Mehlis out of a skill and outdamages her cleanly, and, if push comes to stove, he can contribute his considerable power to healing)

    You'd also see a good use out of raising both your vanguard strategist (I mean, you have Uzume! While she's not as fighty as Shuka, her AW passive is just drool-worthy)) and rearguard tactician (because who don't want to spam skills more?)). Maybe Len's not that much of a priority, but don't neglect her much)

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