Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
@Jay Rich: that's... a lot of extras lol. I'd honestly get rid of any golds whose classes you have numerous copies of, in particular Iris/Robert (assuming your used Iris isn't fully CR'd already). I'd say a few Yuyus as well but witches are used in a lot of key AWs, like Mages, Witches (duh) and Princesses (oddly enough Saki needs one too). Stella could go as well, she's got too many flaws and AW only covers one of them.
I have already put a few of my spare Iris into my main, she currently sits at 4/5 Skill and 18 Cost Points so one of having her at minimum. So I could easily get rid of all my copies of her as my chances of a successfully CR and SU could take me all my double I have knowing RNG lol. I don't feel the need to hold onto Robert as I have plenty of good female healers and don't see CRing him and getting his skill up will benefit that much in the male only maps.

Yeah I don't think I will getting rid of my yuyu's as my main still needs work and it is as you say, most units need witches!! I'll put Stella on my list first! Whats your thoughts about Julian? I don't feel I need him as I have other units I can use in his place like Jerome.