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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Reth View Post
    Hi all, just looking for some advice.

    I'm not sure who to level up/awaken next. You can see I've got a few low level plat/gold units I don't know if I want to invest in yet (Elizabeth, Anelia, Lilia, Fedora). Are any of them worth looking into with what I currently have?

    Everything is CC'd at 50 ofc.

    Thanks for the tips, sorry if these threads aren't appreciated.

    Hi Reth,

    looks like you have a good unit base so I guess if you wanted to focus on one of those low lvl plat units I would think either Elizabeth or Anelia would be you best bet. I have heard Elizabeth is a good unit and it is always good to have a vampire hunter at the ready as they do have there uses. Other than that where archers can take places of most pirates, pirates also have there uses and Anelia's skill is a good one to have (I have yet to lvl her as I lvled rachel over her.).

    Lilia is a good princess to have but not that best, I see you have olivie so you don't really need to lvl another princess unless you wanted a more tankey princess which is what lilia is good for. Fedora is another good healing unit, her increased range after AW makes her good for certain situations where ranged spots are numbers and you need to cover a large healing base.

    My Elizabeth I haven't lvled and don't need to at this stage as I already have Khuri as my Hunter and same with Anelia as I already have Rachel. Not sure if you have replacements for either of them but in my opinion they would be the best units to start with. Though I am not a veteran at this game so others may have better opinions than mine.

    Best of luck with you leveling!
    My Aigis Army (Updated as of 15/October/2016)

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    I'd agree Elizabeth seems to be the next best unit for you to level here but Anelia isn't far behind. Pirates are pretty damn good since patch. Lilia is awesome but you have AW Olivie and AW Imelia so you don't really need another prime duelist. As for AW, I think the two obvious ones are Uzume and Katie for their percent buffs to team. If you aren't in any rush for a better team for something though I would wait on your DCs and see if we get something nice like Chydis on first TP rotation which should hopefully happen soon. She would pair a lot better with Iris than Fedora for example for those without a premium healer.

  3. #3
    AW Uzume ASAP, the benefits are awesome (5% attack up for whole team just by being in squad, even on maps where you can't actually use her, while deployed an extra -1 cost to anyone deployed after her (-3 total), extra stats for being a lower-cost samurai). Katie is a decent option, though 2% defense is limited on who it helps it's not bad and if you're already using her as a UP generator, y not?

    Anelia and Elizabeth are your best options for more damage output, Elizabeth has shorter range but don't let that lower attack fool you, she shoots 3 arrows at a time after CC, and if she happens to target undead while AW, RIP skeletons and liches. Anelia as HUGE attack range as a pirate, with high attack power to go with it (thus better than Elizabeth against armor) and her skill lets her attack FIVE enemies with EVERY shot.

    If you don't have a gold+ healer besides Iris, Fedora's a solid investment, you will want at least 2 solid healers and a backup leveled for many maps.

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