Quote Originally Posted by Nero010 View Post
You missunderstood me to some degree^^
The OP wanted to get some more detailed numbers on plats and blacks from base summon, my post just explained why there is no "more accurate" chances for plats or blacks. I was never saying we need, or have to, or should do the by me roughly estimated numbers in order to get an avarage, the opposite is the case, i stated them to say why we dont.

I have to say though that ur not right about ur assumption we´d never could get any "accurate avarages" in theorie which can get actualy pretty close (if not even exactly match) the games percantages. If u repeat something often enough u will close in on its true value infinetly getting closer (until this "infinite" is so small differences are redundant). Practical highly doubtful to be worth the effort but nonetheless not impossible.
1st paragraph I'll give to you. 2nd, I said we'll never have anything but a sample to draw inferences from, i.e. estimated numbers. Yes the theory of averages says that as sample size grows larger we'll get closer to the "true value" but I think we're both agreeing that doing so is largely pointless as nobody ever expects anything higher than silver, and the rare lucky gold.