Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm being snappy because too often people respond with the first thing out of their ass without even reading the post well enough to understand what's being discussed. Mistakes are fine but it happens far too often on this forum, and from the same people. Many times it would be better if you just don't respond at all if all you are bringing to the table is confusion and misinformation. I gave what I thought was fine advice, and a regged user comes along and says it's not valid, even though that's because you seem to have misread it. Can you really blame someone for "getting snappy" when they are incorrectly corrected and then told to "dial it down"? Finally, I also already pointed out the exception of new silvers being added. (again highlighting that you aren't comprehending very well)

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
I misunderstood, responded based on the misunderstanding, and then with your clarification admitted I misread your post and apologized. I agree with your exception of new silvers being added, and added new gold units to that because even if the chances aren't great, they're non-existent if they haven't been added yet when you roll. I'd like to request we end our current hostility now.

BTW, I understand your frustration with mistakes and misunderstandings on forums, happens quite often to me as well. Hoping this apology settles the issue.

@Anon, using the gold spirits as opposed to selling them, when not used on a gold unit, would be worth it if you used them with a Silver+ unit instead of the bronze fodder you have stockpiled. Otherwise, it's just easier to use 4 bronze fodder since they're so easily farmed. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been playing? It would seem you've been playing a LONG time if you have that much fodder stockpiled, and yet at the same time, you have ALL your units leveled? Not even niche units left to level? I rarely have a surplus of spirits but I do level lots of units I may never use because either 1) I MIGHT use them in the right situation and/or 2) Just to CC for the extra scene ; )
Either way, if you're just waiting on new units to level/CC/AW then I guess it's OK to sell spirits but I personally would rather sell the fodder than the spirits (especially since I run Spirit Rescue G and Women's Battle on weekends, so I don't get many gold spirits anymore, so when new Gold units from Shrine or events come along, I often find myself short on gold spirits)