Seriously? Why the f**k are they leaving it up to the devs again?! And I'm pretty sure "...reaffirmed their commitment to keeping one of our longest-running, most popular games filled with fun new content!" means new content plus break in-between with none of the abandoned (might as well call them abandoned) units to be implemented. This is just going back to square one for Nutaku Aigis. Way to suck up to the devs once again Nutaku. And are the devs really that stubborn to hand over English Aigis to Nutaku? Pretty them committing to Aigis is just a big fat lie to keep Aigis to themselves. Heck, with ALL the stuff coming to DMM Aigis, I'm pretty sure Nutaku Aigis will be in THEIR backburner.

Rant over... Getting real tired with coming back to Nutaku Aigis and have nothing but frikken dailies to do.