Quote Originally Posted by Jay Rich View Post
Marr is one on my most desired units to have, she evades my grasp each time I roll for her.

Question would be as some have said above do you feel the need to have her in your main team. Aigis being a game that has maps that you build your team around can be hard to have a set team. I have one main team and females and males the rest are custom built teams for special tasks/maps. Not having Marr I couldn't say if she would be a addition to my main team although I would like her to be, her lack or range would be made up with her ability to heal 2 units at the same time which in some maps without poison is a godsend.

In place of her though I just use Iris and her heal bomb for tricky situations.
If you want Marr (for her ability) then you should roll for this round's gatcha.

Mia is pretty much Marr but with more utility thanks to the +15% G even with commission.
Sure Mia cant heal more than 3 targets but if you have more than 3 targets getting hit, something is wrong.