@YoxalLoyal - Thanks I will start working in sherry, rachel and Zenobia so that hey can replace Phyllis, Soma and Harissa

And Thank GOD for Monica cuz I only got like 40 demon crystals I hope that by getting her stronger I can manage to farm Spica

Then I should work on Berice,and finally on Kerry. I hope that this can help me farm units in the next event to CC/Awaken my Team

@Nero010 - I dont think its sad you guys can tell which units are shirne and which arent I think thats good eye
Also I used 50 free SC that I farmed a week ago and last night I bought 70SC plus 5 I got from the stamp and other 3 star missions but I used like 40 to get all box expantions plus a 2nd barracks
(I know I should rolled more than 7 times but I didnt want to worry about space for a while)
But sadly I dont think I can manage to get another free 25 SC for the next stamp card upgrade

And on a side note I got Kerry last night but not on SC roll but on the one that used 5 Pieces of Crystal (I didnt know that I could get anthing better than bronze from those)

I didnt know that the pirate and sherry where plat I tought they where silver LOL the only one I notice was plat was the swordwoman (I think her name is Zenobia) and I was trying to get Sybilla since I read shes a princess and those are great units and got kinda sad that the best I got where gold LOL I was really sleepy

@IvanLedah21 - Yeah as I been reading I got really lucky there so I might try to lvl yuyu to get a good witch team but know I dont know since I also want to lvl the pirate gals to farm the demon crystals.... and also sherry.... man I need so much money and food units :/

@buttlover - I think i will follow your advice I will not CC her yet untill I can manage to mincost her

Also you guys forgot the samurai girl next to katie (Chizuru) is she worth lvling or should I send her to the barracks for now?