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  1. #1
    @YoxalLoyal - Thanks I will start working in sherry, rachel and Zenobia so that hey can replace Phyllis, Soma and Harissa

    And Thank GOD for Monica cuz I only got like 40 demon crystals I hope that by getting her stronger I can manage to farm Spica

    Then I should work on Berice,and finally on Kerry. I hope that this can help me farm units in the next event to CC/Awaken my Team

    @Nero010 - I dont think its sad you guys can tell which units are shirne and which arent I think thats good eye
    Also I used 50 free SC that I farmed a week ago and last night I bought 70SC plus 5 I got from the stamp and other 3 star missions but I used like 40 to get all box expantions plus a 2nd barracks
    (I know I should rolled more than 7 times but I didnt want to worry about space for a while)
    But sadly I dont think I can manage to get another free 25 SC for the next stamp card upgrade

    And on a side note I got Kerry last night but not on SC roll but on the one that used 5 Pieces of Crystal (I didnt know that I could get anthing better than bronze from those)

    I didnt know that the pirate and sherry where plat I tought they where silver LOL the only one I notice was plat was the swordwoman (I think her name is Zenobia) and I was trying to get Sybilla since I read shes a princess and those are great units and got kinda sad that the best I got where gold LOL I was really sleepy

    @IvanLedah21 - Yeah as I been reading I got really lucky there so I might try to lvl yuyu to get a good witch team but know I dont know since I also want to lvl the pirate gals to farm the demon crystals.... and also sherry.... man I need so much money and food units :/

    @buttlover - I think i will follow your advice I will not CC her yet untill I can manage to mincost her

    Also you guys forgot the samurai girl next to katie (Chizuru) is she worth lvling or should I send her to the barracks for now?
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  2. #2
    Personally, I have my Katie CC'd and she's at max cost and still serves the vital role of generating UP anyways. She's 50CC60 now. Otherwise she might be too weak for where I"m at now. The desert maps in storyline. That 15 UP per activation is alot regardless and the maps won't always have swarms of weak enemies for valkyries to take advantage of.

  3. #3
    Not sure if you can min-cost a premium unit without forking out a ton of cash, but good luck with that.

    I'll ignore chizuru, you have WAY too many units you need to power level.
    Currently your priority would be to CC bernice/belinda and getting rid of your silvers. (except for the mage)
    I would also put some levels into zenobia and sherry immediately and field them on your main team.
    That +15 UP and princess dmg is SICK.

    Other than lacking a mage, you pretty much got an ideal team there. (you don't even need to rush spica, seeing how you got rachel)
    Since you already spent $ for 70 SC, I'll suggest just dropping the last bit for the 150 SC monthly card. That monthly card gives an additional plat roll ticket(which can roll for blacks if you are lucky)

    Ignore the 250 card, its not worth amount imo.
    Last edited by buttlover; 10-26-2016 at 10:02 PM.

    Talking to an unregistered, is like talking to a constant fart of air.
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  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nero010
    The only three that i didnt mention arent of any interest for you by now as you already have better versions of them. After you cced your whole core and got it to a moderate level you can start with those sweet sweet units like Sherry, Rachel and Mia.
    Chizuru belongs to those. Also the gold pirate and rouge. They are good for having a tiny chance up (that adds over time) but thats worth NOTHING if your team isnt set up to even beat the stages. Its pure logic, first get your set up, then get the drop boosts. Many here tend to forget how it was to start and give advices straight towards AWing. Free players often take at least 1-2 Months to do so though. Resources are very limited in terms of silvers for new players as nutakus event paste is AWEFUL. So using a silver to cc a unit that adds a 2% drop chance boost is... propably hurting u in the short run actualy RIGHT NOW. You should focus more on leveling, ccing and getting forward in the story to unlock the good grind maps as well as clearing X maps of dailys. For that you need pretty much nothing but a well leveled core. Even silver units could manage it used with a guide and maxed.

    One more hint. Rachel cant realy replace Soma. Soma is an Archer, Rachel is a Pirate. They both fill different roles that u still need. You wanna grab Spica at some time (usualy once u managed to grab ur first 200 DC) to replace Soma. Archers are a lot more efficient then Pirates to clear out weak mobs that come in huge numbers or enemys with low defence, Pirates shine when you need thier range or have targets that have higher armor as they attack a lot slower then archers do.
    My Point still stands, id advice you to pick the core units from those which u pulled and level them alongside with your current core until u advanced in story and prince level and can start actualy grinding and leveling consistent. One example, seeing that u already have Belinda and Belinda>Yuyu, theres like no need at all to focus in Yuyu until you have no other core unit to work at anymore. Most advices are a bunch of things you should do but they actualy requier a few months to do so, so im hinting you towards what you should start with at. Dont worry times not gonna run away from you paste at Nutaku aigis is aweful slow, u have time to get all that fodder for leveling and Affection for your girls.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Nero010 View Post
    One more hint. Rachel cant realy replace Soma. Soma is an Archer, Rachel is a Pirate. They both fill different roles that u still need.
    On general you are right. Most pirates cant replace archers. But rachel is slightly different because of her active which turns her into a better long ranged archer.

    Put it this way, there are 3 plat SS tier units in DMM that are useful in most situations according to the hardcore discord aigis members.
    2 of them are not in nutaku yet (Saria-healer and Totone-merchant), the last one is rachel.
    Ok, part of the reason for that is her SAW, but she still the top tier unit when you crunch the numbers.
    Last edited by buttlover; 10-26-2016 at 10:24 PM.

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  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    Rachel is definitely awesome and can replace a premium archer in most cases but you aren't really considering the UP cost either. Many maps almost require an archer that's cheaper than Bashira/Spica anyway. Soma and Alissa I would say are the two silvers you can't really skip levelling no matter what premiums you get from Shrine just because of UP concerns on a lot of maps.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Rachel is definitely awesome and can replace a premium archer in most cases but you aren't really considering the UP cost either. Many maps almost require an archer that's cheaper than Bashira/Spica anyway. Soma and Alissa I would say are the two silvers you can't really skip levelling no matter what premiums you get from Shrine just because of UP concerns on a lot of maps.
    Bolded is exaggeration, just saying. I don't use ANY silvers anymore but being the whale that I am, I have some OP blacks like Aisha, Minerva, Nanaly and Sybilla, to name a few.


    Ignoring that, UP cost is definitely a common issue, especially for newer players (since their units aren't AW units that can 1-2 hit mobs lol), and it's why a lot of players recommend leaving Zenobia, Jerome and Phyllis CC for much later. Their skills don't change upon CC so until your team is much stronger (and for the first two, you're considering getting ready to AW them), the extra stats sometimes don't make up for the 3 seconds later deployment, especially in the case of Phyllis (some early game strategies rely on her being 50 non-CC). That said, Daniela is generally considered superior to Soma (though Soma gets free 25 affection head start), but Alissa is definitely the best silver healer.

    However, in this case, Alissa isn't nearly as vital since he drew Mia, whose cost is actually 1 less while only having a very slight deficit in Attack, more potential due to Platinum rarity, and healing 2 units at once (3 with AW) while reducing terrain effects (VERY helpful in daily maps, and the desert). Alissa is taking a backseat here (only needed if 2nd healer needed out of Mia's range, or if Mia's shorter range is an issue due to deploy slot placement)

  8. #8
    Agreed. I recently made a new account without leveling any silvers and got into the desert maps, with the exception of valerie. (my unit pool was mostly gold units and vastly inferior to kira's)

    There are tons of strategies anyone can use to clear a map and if you have better units, leveling silvers are generally a waste of resources imo especially in nutaku where silver units are so scarce.

    Whats more kira has zeno which effectively gives him an UP advantage over the average player.

    Talking to an unregistered, is like talking to a constant fart of air.
    It stinks and you don't even know if its the same person.

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  9. #9
    Unregistered Guest
    Perhaps no matter what you get is a bit strong. I'd amend it to 99% of accounts opening rolls.

    I don't use ANY silvers anymore is also a very odd statement. I don't care how premium your army is, some maps ARE NOT POSSIBLE without cheap bronze or silver units. Just because you aren't farming them currently doesn't mean you won't need them should you want to do them later. UP cost isn't just a problem for newer players, the hardest rush maps test everyone's UP. Most just seem to forget because they aren't the good farm maps.

    I'd consider Soma and Daniela as pretty interchangeable, and Daniela isn't strictly better though more useful I agree. It's usually the early maps where you'd want such a cheap archer anyway though so it's kinda moot.

    The reason I say Alissa is hard to skip is because of the large number of maps where you need 3 and maybe even 4 healers. So unless you're rolling all of the premium healers (and maybe even if you Have them, where UP is tight) you're going to need a silver to supplement, and a reduced Alissa is the only silver I personally still use on a regular basis.

    @buttlover...so you didn't use silvers, but used golds you rolled anyways. A gold archer only costs 1 UP more than a silver so...w/e. If I really wanted to go no silvers even Valerie is easily skippable because of Cyrus, but you're just gimping yourself in the short term by skipping them entirely without very particular units from shrine. Of course this is all only when UP is an issue, otherwise go bananas.

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