Quote Originally Posted by Samyy View Post
@tenhou..dmm isnt moron free either :P plz tell me why you will include a witch with chrono witch necromancer and as i stated before a reinforce III soldier or 2 already there...if ur comparing the end game dps of yuyu and belinda thts actually more for belinda then u showed me considering prince passive for her aw ability increases her ap and ur forgetting the half elven yuyu's bloodline that will make her x1.5 more/3sec ovr belinda..but u have to consider y we put witches :P theres absolutely no reason to.when i can put a ton of other useful units..its like say...not too long ago ppl used to call samurai/shogun useless..the same guys r using hibari like no tommorrow now...so if i wanna arrange my sortie i will bring my most useful units there..among them i wud see wat can be done by who..so i will choose a 17 uc witch there when i can have a 35 up reinforcing soldier that can put anya or a chrono witch early game or a necro that can do1.9k dps at 6 up more ?if u wanna be sympahetic to witch i wud say closest poor man's witch is yuyu bcz of her availability and cost..other wise in dmm no not worth it. unless you have prim a plat tht can beat black chrono witch in dps :P ow n i bet u dont use a witch bcz u got esther in dmm > demn you getting esther >
@lolix...i really dont get how mages r less reliable then witches..i didnt even use calliope in all my dmm-nutaku aegis life..except aw fodder :v the fact tht a guy can ignore belinda's farm is totally agreeable wen his developing a healer that u gonna need on every map..most just place her in barracks n forget her. now if ur considering it from a freemiums point of view..even he will consider to bring his best units in game..so ..considering his timeline from after karma event..which we both are in nutaku..u think either of us will use a belinda ovr solano ?
Dear lord, paragraphing and spacing man. Please.

I am typing on my mobile and I can type better than that.