Quote Originally Posted by Nero010 View Post
Aigis is grind. Once ure at the spot where i am... well. I level units to level 50cc56 (that means 50 levels class evolution and then 56 levels again) with just iron and bronze fodder. Just playing every day and farming every day and reading guides etc. will result in long term that your going to get through smooth until u know enough to work stuff out for yourself. When you start the game the fodder u get from your maps are not giving as much exp then the end ones, ull have to stop a while and stop wasting ur stamina on useless attemps on maps that way back in the past where even hard to beat with full cc50 teams when ur team is just lvl 10-30. Rather focus on grinding a little.
I dont mean this mean but thats pretty darn low. Either pass up the game or get your teeth together and do it. Aigis is a game you play for years, if youd only need 30 days to max your units as a beginner the game would hardly be going anywhere. This is not a game you play to fufill your desire to game, at least for me its a side dish that i find to be to my taste and likes.

Let me tell you "...as most of my units are ~30 and I still cannot pass the thing despite all the guides I've been following." You can level your unit (depending on rarity) from silver 100 levels (50cc50) to blacks 229 levels (50cc80AW99). So yeah level 30 is nothing, so sure u wont beat the first "boss map/Brickwall" in the game with it. It will take you some time to farm, level units, level your prince and get more charisma to get more fodder to level more and attempt event maps. Im level 181 with 408 Charisma, of course yours is ways lower but its going to get up there. Starting the game for the first 20 days it can actualy help to get 1.2* exp for 3SC from the shop to get to prince level 100 as you can easily level up until level 100 like once a day and then just use all charisma again and be nearly up to the next level up again until hitting prince lvl 100 and from there on u have a good base already (20 days are roughly enough to get from prince 1-100 like that).
Why cc56 btw? Sounds too expensive. Plat units need levelled to max cc50, after then use tin-cans+spirits. Its cc46 or cc54 for gold units.