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  1. #2
    Few things to start with-

    This is a second hand translation, it was translated from Chinese to English. Original translation goes to

    Due to the nature of this, I took liberty with some text to make it flow a bit more naturally. I had to make up some names based on phonetics due to nature of the language. However the name Camelot and Arthur Pendragon is actually what it says based on the book, according to the translation anyway.

    This is the prologue of Volume 1, no doubt there will be mistakes so please bear with me as I only glanced it over as proof reading. I will translate the first chapter in a few days.

    A legend known by all who lived in the kingdom of Rograys.

    That is the name of the war from ages before, a war between men and monsters, a war which pushed the world to the brink of destruction.

    Monsters suddenly appeared and slaughtered much of mankind.

    Beneath the capital city Camelot, an altar stands with the record of that devastating conflict---.

    “....... Millennium War….”

    It was the first time I have stepped into the normally shut basement, I exhaled my held breath as I muttered my surprise at its size.

    The basement that I, Arthur Pendragon XXI, have just entered, is enormous in size.

    ----That was ten years ago, when I was but just a young child.

    “Yes, my prince.”

    The silver haired girl in the black dress spoke, the girl who took me to this place.

    She is the daughter of the magistrate of this kingdom, a position passed down from generation to generation. A magistrate not only assist the king in internal affairs, They are also responsible for passing down the tale of the Millennium war, a tale which is deeply connected with the creation of this kingdom.

    This ceremony should have been held after I have become an adult, but the reason she has broken tradition and took me here early must be because of the sudden death of my mother.

    She became severely sick without any warning, healing magic has done little. Mother quickly became ill and weakened, then she passed onto the eternal land of the goddess Aigis.

    I wore a black funeral suit that day and spent it drowning in misery.

    But, why have I not cried when the entire kingdom grieved because of her sudden passing? Perhaps it was because my 10 year old self has a fragile heart, a heart which cannot bear the pain.

    I was not sure if it is because she was worried about me, but the silver haired girl of my age started to chat with me.

    But she was just a child like me, one who has to take care a prince. It should have taken a long time for her to be comfortable with me, yet she have done so almost immediately.

    Mother’s death, that must have been the reason she took me here so quickly.



    The cave is supported by countless columns, gigantic floating statues float in the air as if they surround me.

    I finally started to walk, the silver haired girl quickly lifted my cloak to prevent it from getting dirty and started to follow.

    The floating statue before me emits an intimidating aura, yet I try to see and remember as much as I could. For the statues records the history of the Millennium War.

    To the people in the capital, the Millennium War is a legend known by all. Many art detailing the war has also been preserved and survived until today.

    Disgusting goblins, giant trolls, flying gargoyles and fire breathing dragons. In the face of the overwhelming force, all people had left at the time were weary and despair.

    All but one man, he stood up against the monsters in that desperate time and fought against the invasion.

    “Then, that is….”

    In the sea of terrifying monsters, I finally found him.

    Perhaps it is because the Millennium War has already passed for hundreds of years, the statue is filled with cracks and gaps, from the dim light shining from the ceiling onto the statue, I can see one corner has broken off completely.

    In the middle of the floating statue is a man’s face, the statue’s decay has rendered the face almost unrecognizable.

    Yet even so I know who the man is.

    This statue, it is a monument built for him.

    For even surrounded by countless monsters and demons, with blade in hand, only he emits an aura of purity and determination.

    And the beautiful winged woman soaring in the sky above him.

    No, she is-

    “That is the hero king and the goddess Aigis”

    The silver haired girl behind me quietly whispered.

    Indeed, that is the goddess Aigis and the hero king with her protection, Arthus Pendragon the First.

    My distant ancestor, the Pendragon family of this kingdom are all descendent of the legendary hero king.

    The statue here is the sole surviving proof of this claim.

    -But the records on the statue was so horrific, the people locked it under the capital, forever protected by its king.

    Yes, but the tale on the statue is only one of the legends known by all.

    “The hero with the power of the goddess Aigis, stood in front of the culprit of the conflict, the demon king. After an intense battle, the hero defeated the demon king and took it's head.”

    The girl repeats the legend on the floating statue.

    And that is the truth, the hero was the center on the statue’s records, and from it the tale is etched from left to right onto the statue.

    On the right, is the demon king. As a contrast, the goddess Aigis is on the left with the head of demon king in her hands.

    Finally, the statue ends with the record that “Even though the demon king was defeated, the monsters continues to invade and fight. So the goddess sacrificed herself and sealed both her and the demon king, thus the world finally welcomed peace.”

    “Nn, that is why even today the capital is still influenced by the teaching of Aigis.”

    I moved my hand to my chest and touched the necklace, on it is a blue gemstone, a symbol of the goddess Aigis.

    No, this “symbol” was actually found in a gem like state all over the world after the war, a gem of inconceivable properties. The people named it the Sacred Crystal, and it became the symbol of the goddess Aigis until now.

    After mother’s death, I have always kept my crystal on me.

    Yet as young as I was at the time, I knew the goddess’s protection will never bestowed onto the world again.

    Because the goddess and the demon king, with the monsters have all disappeared from this world.

    That is why mother has not received the goddess’s protection from the sudden illness…..

    But that is something we cannot control.

    “Why..?” I thought as I looked at the decayed records of Arthur Pendragon the First.

    According to the legends, everybody voted him to become king, for he is the symbol who lead mankind to victory and reclaimed its future.

    Yet the goddess Aigis was the one who truly defeated the enemy, not him.

    Why did he choose to take the throne?

    This path is meaningless.

    Even as his descendent, I cannot but help but think of why.

    “Enough, this is enough.”

    “? Prince?”

    “Ah, it is nothing.”

    I took off my necklace and placed it onto the dusty floor, the blue crystal shines under the dim light.

    She must have saw my action, but said nothing as I tell her that it is time to leave. We walk towards the steps leading to the surface.

    Descendant of the Hero King.

    It was then I started to detest this title.

    Even if the legend of the hero king is true, even if the kingdom survived countless conflicts and disasters.

    It has nothing to do with me.

    Moreover this kingdom only exist because the name of the hero king, its land and power has waned to a shadow of its former self.

    What power can this kingdom possibility possess?

    And moreover, in a world with no god and no demons, there is no need for heroes.

    Even though culture and race has brought some frictions between the many kingdoms, this world overall is peaceful.

    Yes, nobody thought about it otherwise, that this peaceful world would continue, until forever….
    Last edited by Testingtosee; 05-25-2015 at 11:56 PM.

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