Quote Originally Posted by Sincronic View Post
Say we get 2 doranias, we make one into Anya, and then we need to wait for next spirit of time Fleur, if i'm not mistaken. When will get another chance at obtaining Fleur? :X In a year or two again?
Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Somebody asked this above, and it didn't get answered. So if we grab an extra copy of Dorania, we're also gonna need an extra copy of Fleur for unseal right? Since we can only grab one Fleur, does that mean we gotta wait for future events with Fleur or something?
yes, you can only get 1 time fairy per event so you would need to wait until another time they give her

also, if you get enough MC to get 2 doranias and 1 fairy it would be 1050 MC and would really want to see that happen in just 1 week (i want to see the amount of SC spent to make it possible)