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  1. #40
    Hmm, I had been setting my eyes on being able to unseal Dorania, but by my calculations I need to do Attack of the Chiryu 10 more times to get enough crystals, and I'm not sure she's worth it even if I am angling to use a bunch of SCs this week.

    But now I'm not sure whether to just get enough for Spirit of Time and maybe Echidna or Aria, or or try and lower the cost/increase the skill of Echidna or Aria... and on top of that not sure whether to keep grinding or call it with my current total of 558, or close to it... and I probably should have brought up these questions back when someone would have time before maintainance to respond to them. XP

    EDIT: I honest-to-god thought maintenance was at 2 AM Central Time (my time), not 1 AM. Though, I had just reached the conclusion that perhaps nothing was really worth getting, and it would be best to save my Moment Crystals for another time.
    Last edited by MalusCorvus; 12-27-2016 at 12:11 AM.

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