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  1. #161
    I'm prepared to spend all my SC to get Erun, so I can place her with Sophie and out-regen any poison map.

  2. #162
    Sigh... so when I get home tonight, I'm going to have to go crazy to grab Erun, and honestly I'm not willing to spend SC for the CHANCE to get Charlotte or Lynn (the two plats I didn't have already that haven't dropped for me). Ah well.

  3. #163

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Lynn is skippable (unless you're a fan of China dress girls, I guess?), since Gina is perfectly fine and monks are niche already.

    Charlotte is mostly skippable if you have Horus, but Charlotte is also way cuter, so...

    Granted, I'm also dreading the grind for Charlotte, since she was impossibly difficult to CR during her event, and I only just happened to luck out on a CR the one time she dropped for me. About the only silver lining is that her map here drops plat fairies, so I can try freeing up some space with those...

    I'd also like to try for one more Odette, even if I'll never use her (because Solano, Garania, mincost Mehlis, etc.).

  4. Question regarding Ryuryu & Erun, do they get added to the gacha eventually? If not is there a way to get them later down the road?

  5. #165

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Both of them (and Hien and Dan) are future trading post units, so all signs point to GET THEM THE FUCK NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY, at least until Dev Tea finally starts updating our TP.

  6. #166

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    Aaaand, done! All completions, Gina included (she was tsundere for four days' leftover stamina, a bit more than Ryuryu was at the beginning. Everybody else joined in three-five runs tops)

    Domination as well, so ready to meet the new event head on! Whenever it will be...

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroZet View Post
    Aaaand, done! All completions, Gina included (she was tsundere for four days' leftover stamina, a bit more than Ryuryu was at the beginning. Everybody else joined in three-five runs tops)

    Domination as well, so ready to meet the new event head on! Whenever it will be...
    Lucky devil (stares in envy). Erun is still giving me trouble with that last 3x Demon Crystal, even with Monica! And we only have a day for her, which is extra frustrating as her map is quite easy, bah! Really need a good angel until Sophie and/or Chloe come along so I might have to bight the bullet and use a crystal or two.

  8. #168

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    Yesterday, got 2nd Leanne and Maribel on 5th drop. Didn't complete the Stone Golem map.

    map 9 run 5.PNG

    So missing Kerry, Julian, and Barbastroff excluding the last mission which I'm going to do Erun's mission today. Haven't done my morning runs
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  9. #169

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    Aug 2015
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    1 account at perfect event. wasted a couple scs on this event. Other needs erun. Will do a couple runs tomorow before going to work.

  10. #170
    Sigh... Erun's map is trolling me hard. Got the DCx2 drop 3x already and I got Emilia, the plat I wanted out of the event the least. Both other drops are being stubborn (are they both DC or should I have Cuterie and/or Celia in the unit too?)

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