Quote Originally Posted by Eab1990 View Post
For maps that are tight on UP cost (hi Danger in the Oasis), those extra four seconds can be fatal.

But I have three Nanalys anyway, so...
My problem with this line of thinking is that I value map trivializing power a lot more than I value the niche utility of being a bit more viable in gimmicky low UP maps. I say this mostly because the former is somewhat rare whereas the alternate solutions to tight maps is often as common as reaching back into your unused & unloved units bin and pulling out a couple of silvers or some easily CR'd event unit and giving them a cameo appearance. I mean, yeah, sure, SAWing every Nanaly you own isn't really a priority when you have multiples but for most players you're going to be better off SAWing units like Berna for her AoE assassination and Nanaly for her raw power rather than fretting over maps that you can typically squeak through by deploying a a cc'd Khuri.

Anyway, who to eventually SAW is mostly a no brainer for me since my gacha blacks include Sophie, Clissa, Deine and Despara. 4 seconds isn't nothing, but it might as well be compared to that much extra aoe potential and boss smashing power.