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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
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    Honestly , i would generally rate rion a bit higher then sophie , because post skill awakening she attacks 7 times with her skill for 20 seconds. At max level she has 691 damage (without any prince buff) , so that means that she will do 4837 damage per voley. That is insane in itself. Nanaly for example will do just 3135 per volley with her SAW for 15 seconds...

    But , looking at your team , the only duelists you have are lyla (which is pretty good. I personally like barbarians) and Emilia which is kinda bad , because she is a unit with holy awakening (which is a rather powerful skill) , she has worse stats then she should have for her rarity.
    And this is the main reason i'd raise sophie over rion.

    I mean , sophie becomes a high tier duelist during her skill awakening , being able to block 3 and attack 2 , double her attack , defense and MR (which all are already really high because she's an angel) , and you have a very strong unit that can duel bosses during her skill duration , be a very powerfull lightning rod (she has 30 base magic resistance. During her skill , it;s doubled) and she can even act as an offtank because she has triple block.

    All in all , i believe sophie will help you more right now rather then rion which basically just provides ranged dps from a melee slot.

    PS: other units that you have and i also own and i really like are uzume (good aw passive - 5% damage to all your units. good skill , especially if you are fielding units with multiple hits like rion or nanaly) , anelia (great skill IMO , especially good on maps like the curent subjugation) , and jessica (another offtank with good wave clear)
    Mia and zenobia are also good units to raise.

    All in all you have a very strong team , and all you have to do right now is raise your units.
    Last edited by lolix; 08-19-2017 at 07:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Actually, they already Awakened Gloria, so they do have another OK duelist w/ built-in wave clear. She's no SAW Sophie, obviously, but that nasty aoe stun is a lot better than nothing. Personally, I'd probably just give it to Sophie anyway because she's the lower level of the two so you'd save yourself a tin can or two but honestly it's not like maxing out Rion is ever really a mistake with that septuple shot.

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