I rushed Awakening Vincent specifically to give him an opportunity to stake the Vampire Lord by his own hand, actually)

HAs and Bandits / Princesses have a bit different roles, actually. Heavies are there more for when you need to hold a mob in place for your AoE to mow down, while Bandits and Princesses are to duel some nasties alone.
HAs can be used to to tank hard-hitting physical bosses thanks to their heavy armors , while Bandits can tank them with their prodigious health pool (but would require better healing support) but magic bosses would melt HAs faster, as they ignore armor anyway. Ideally you want at least one of each

And Golems require dedicated Supertanks (or superior firepower and a lot of tokens). While kiddie golems we faced until now could be tanked with a variety of units, real deals in Magic City will be a lot more unforgiving. IIRC top dog there would need more than 5,2k ehp (health + defense here) to survive.