So, over time I've been building up a number of units that may or may not be useful if they were leveled up... which they aren't. I thought I'd finally ask here if any of them were worth devoting the resources into, and which I should use as, I dunno, Awakening fodder or Rainbow Crystals (though with event units that's not always an option). The units are listed according to class and then name, along with any notes. I realize this is a huge list, but I don't need advice on every single one of them - even knowledge which ones are outstanding in either direction would be great.

Soldier - Julian
Heavy Infantry - Bernice, Maribel
Valkyrie - Emilia, Kerry (Mostly leveled)
Rogue - Betty, Cuterie (keeping for affection gift rate up purposes, if nothing else), Cypria
Princess - Sherry, Claudia
Bandit - Imelia, Lolonee
Samurai - Sakuya (UP and Skill improved by 1 thanks to duplicate), Kojoro
Ninja - Azami (overshadowed by Saki, I suspect)
Pegasus Knight - Stella
Avenger - Dorothy
Sailor - Marie, Vera
Dragon Knight - Lucille
Archer - Shao
Mage - Barbastroff, Odette, Cyrus, Sasha
Healer - Robert, Fedora
Witch - Belinda, Despera (especially tempting to use for RC since I don't care for witches much), Ryuryu
Vampire Hunter - Elizabeth
Shaman - Kagura
Bishop - Noel
Dancer - Waltz
Druid - Pupuru
Alchemist - Colin

Obviously, I can't put every bit of relevant info in here. Some are leveled more than others. Some are CC'd, some aren't. But I can provide any other info that might be needed for recommendations.