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  1. #1

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    Quote Originally Posted by IvanLedah21 View Post
    3) most come with some utility especially after AW (Bronze/Silver/Gold buff, ranged damage during skill with instant kill, Elf/Dwarf buff and dodge, true damage for Claudia)
    Just a nitpick, but Claudia don't need to be Awakened for true damage, because it is tied with her skill, rather than AW ability. In fact only meaningful thing she gets from it is increased stat caps, because dragons don't walk where she can hit them around all that often

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by ZeroZet View Post
    Just a nitpick, but Claudia don't need to be Awakened for true damage, because it is tied with her skill, rather than AW ability. In fact only meaningful thing she gets from it is increased stat caps, because dragons don't walk where she can hit them around all that often
    That's why I said "especially after AW" meaning some have utility before it (like Claudia, and Olivie has the buff, it's just slightly improved with AW)

  3. #3

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    was too lazy to aw claudia , especially since shes not my most used duelist for one , and her passive is rather meh as well....

    Actually i liked lucille quite a bit during this event (it wasn't even cc-ed since for some reason i simply couldn't get a perfect unit on any of my accounts) , so i was thinking of raising her

    That might be after jessica tho. Anyone has experience with her (or magic armors in general ?) At a first look they look rather useful , and she looks like she can easily replace any of my secondary tanks (leanne in this case) , and play an offtank role for bernice. She might even be the more deployed unit actually , unless she's really squishy , or i'm vs really hard hitting bosses.

    Somehow i keep getting okay (or good plats) and golds quite often during premium summons , but can't get blacks whatever i do....

  4. #4

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    Mage Armours tend to be quite nice to use especially against mixed damage of magic and physical. Also great to have when you need a tank that can deal some nice damage as well. I've used my MA on DMM a great deal in many situations. As for being a secondary tank, she still costs a ton so depending on situation you're still better off with Leanne.

  5. #5
    Expanding on what Tenhou said, Mage Armors have inferior physical defense to Heavy Armors but superior MR and Jessica's Fireball skill is great for clearing weak mobs that can end up sneaking past even HAs (due to their low attack this can happen with large groups if the ranged support is either not there or single-target). Higher UP cost is a thing to keep in mind, though.

    For reference:
    Jessica CC70: 1980 HP, 456 Defense, 15 MR, UP 30
    Jessica AW90: 2891 HP, 570 Defense, 15 MR, UP 30

    Leanne: CC50: 1931 HP, 507 Defense (811 for 30 seconds), 0 MR, UP 18-21

    Even a silver HA is comparable in survivability if enemy is purely physical (huge HP disadvantage against AW Jess, but her defense can go up to about 1.5x Jess'), but all Heavies lose badly in offense (except Deine if enemy numbers are low) and MR (Gellius only loses by 5 after AW)

  6. #6
    To all the Despera lovers - I considered using her for crystals because I don't like witches.

    To be fair, this may be because the best one I have leveled is Cloris, and in my experience she's not particularly impressive in terms of DPS, and I only use her on those maps in which she's used in the vid guides. If anyone's going to be a decent witch, though, it'd be Despera. Also, I never noticed Affection increased her range, which is interesting. I'm a sucker for extra range so that matters to me.

    Besides, no point in discharging anyone for Rainbow Crystals unless I have enough units for the rest of the 600...
    Personal favorites, by game:
    Millennium War Aigis (RIP): Liana
    Girls Kingdom (RIP): Iris
    Dragon Tactics: Memories (RIP): Diske
    Brave Girl Ravens xR (RIP): Francette
    ...Most of the games I play on Nutaku end up getting taken down. Hmm.

  7. #7
    Poor Cloris is utterly crippled by our inability to cheaply perfect her, so nobody can blame you for being unimpressed. Maxed out Attack III is a decent skill but few people are going to bother burning Rainbows or Gadoras copies on a unit with even less long term potential than the average gold. And she rather desperately needs those SUs too, or else she's only beating Yuyu by ~50 damage during skill and is flat out losing the rest of the time. That's pretty sad when you consider that Yuyu's also potentially 4 UP cheaper and Increase Range II is a perfectly tolerable skill on a unit you're mostly using for her slows and Wall of Magic anyway. At least with Despara you get enough damage output to smash things and have the promise of a much stronger SAW in your future.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by MalusCorvus View Post
    To all the Despera lovers - I considered using her for crystals because I don't like witches.

    To be fair, this may be because the best one I have leveled is Cloris, and in my experience she's not particularly impressive in terms of DPS, and I only use her on those maps in which she's used in the vid guides. If anyone's going to be a decent witch, though, it'd be Despera. Also, I never noticed Affection increased her range, which is interesting. I'm a sucker for extra range so that matters to me.

    Besides, no point in discharging anyone for Rainbow Crystals unless I have enough units for the rest of the 600...
    Like Kayfabe said, Cloris is a really bad example of witch because she's not CR-capable without the whaling-reward gold Bond Fairy or Time Fairy, both of which have better units to use them on. On top of that, without maxed skill she's flat-out inferior to Yuyu. Better witches are Yuyu, Belinda, Adele and Despara. Yuyu is the cheapest (AW Yuyu is same cost as silver Calliope but hits harder and faster with more range), Belinda is a stronger but more expensive Yuyu that is an event unit, Adele buffs all team members' HP by 10% after AW and has Attack 4 like Despara (just doesn't have the 1-sec initial) and Despara is your go-to early magic damage monster with the added benefit of slow effect.

    If Cloris is who you think of when you think of the class, it's natural to be turned off, but there are numerous uses for the better witches and they're a very reliable class in many cases. Adele and Despara are on my deployment team 90% of the time (Adele is pretty much 100% due to her team buff). Yuyu has since become much more situational.

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