was too lazy to aw claudia , especially since shes not my most used duelist for one , and her passive is rather meh as well....

Actually i liked lucille quite a bit during this event (it wasn't even cc-ed since for some reason i simply couldn't get a perfect unit on any of my accounts) , so i was thinking of raising her

That might be after jessica tho. Anyone has experience with her (or magic armors in general ?) At a first look they look rather useful , and she looks like she can easily replace any of my secondary tanks (leanne in this case) , and play an offtank role for bernice. She might even be the more deployed unit actually , unless she's really squishy , or i'm vs really hard hitting bosses.

Somehow i keep getting okay (or good plats) and golds quite often during premium summons , but can't get blacks whatever i do....