Quote Originally Posted by MalusCorvus View Post
To all the Despera lovers - I considered using her for crystals because I don't like witches.

To be fair, this may be because the best one I have leveled is Cloris, and in my experience she's not particularly impressive in terms of DPS, and I only use her on those maps in which she's used in the vid guides. If anyone's going to be a decent witch, though, it'd be Despera. Also, I never noticed Affection increased her range, which is interesting. I'm a sucker for extra range so that matters to me.

Besides, no point in discharging anyone for Rainbow Crystals unless I have enough units for the rest of the 600...
Like Kayfabe said, Cloris is a really bad example of witch because she's not CR-capable without the whaling-reward gold Bond Fairy or Time Fairy, both of which have better units to use them on. On top of that, without maxed skill she's flat-out inferior to Yuyu. Better witches are Yuyu, Belinda, Adele and Despara. Yuyu is the cheapest (AW Yuyu is same cost as silver Calliope but hits harder and faster with more range), Belinda is a stronger but more expensive Yuyu that is an event unit, Adele buffs all team members' HP by 10% after AW and has Attack 4 like Despara (just doesn't have the 1-sec initial) and Despara is your go-to early magic damage monster with the added benefit of slow effect.

If Cloris is who you think of when you think of the class, it's natural to be turned off, but there are numerous uses for the better witches and they're a very reliable class in many cases. Adele and Despara are on my deployment team 90% of the time (Adele is pretty much 100% due to her team buff). Yuyu has since become much more situational.