It is possible we suffer constant updates due to one of the same reasons we don't contact the jap devs themselves, the language barrier. Translations may be the reason we don't get quick updates, sure there isn't much to translate but it isn't as quick and easy as writing fresh content in their own language.

The lack of updates could also come down to a few other things. Poor time management from the devs side to commit to their main DMM aigis and then filter whats left to Nutakus Aigis. Lack of man power is also a possibility they may only be able to commit a small amount of resources to our Aigis thus it may take 2 week to get a new update ready (one week of event and one week of break). They are also reluctant to hand their prized game over to Nutaku devs so that they can speed things up for us which shows that they either plan to devote more time to us or as we currently feel they don't really care about Nutakus Aigis. (There may be other reasons why Nutaku couldn't get a hold of the the developing rights to Aigis that may not be as simple as the Jap devs didn't want it updated by an outside branch.)

But sure there are going to be a lot of things we wont understand and will not see, sadly nothing is as black and white as we hope but if they continue to keep us in the dark obviously our rage is going to be taken out on those who are within ear range which is Nutaku. Sure taking our rage out on Nutaku may indeed be pointless but the only way to improve on faults in life is to make those faults know. Nutaku must have some form of communication with the DMM devs as well their game is on Nutaku the jap devs wouldn't just drop the game and run.

Only time will tell if things improve and yes everyone is going to have their own ways of going about it.