odette has been my main mage for over a year now , and she wasnt even min costed (crappy rng).

She has very high raw stats for 1 , and her skill can be somewhat usefull vs lich like bosses.

In terms of pure damage , she is the 3rd after sasha (771 damage) and estelle (770) at 737 damage. Ofc sasha has another defensive skill (so no extra dps) , but estelle is a black with an insane skill (2x damage , reduces magic resistance by 70% , and after awakening she buffs mages damage by 5% as well) , so its not fair to compare to her.

Garania also outdps odette especially vs a large number of units. Assuming a lower number (therefore having better AOE is not relevant) , she hits 696 + 7% (which is roughly 49 damage). She outdamages odette by less then 10 damage post awakening , with her aw passive in use.

The point i am making is that odette is really comparable with the premium platinum mages in terms of power. She is really strong if you manage to mincost it (and you kinda have to because she starts more expensive then any plat mage +2 on top of the +2 from being an event unit)