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  1. #1

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    how the heck do mumies get past what i expect to be an awakened elizabeth and nanaly ?

    Also why not use a heavy to block the mumies ? A common bernice can tank them even at low hp (assuming healer support)

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Read the sentence again, I said the scorps were getting past Nanaly/Elizabeth, not the mummies. I used rogues because of AW Berna.

  3. #3

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    You could try a witch/solano combo i guess since they are cheap to place. But i guess it doesnt matter as long as you 3 starred it eventually.

  4. #4
    Patch Guest
    I started last month mid way through the vampire event. Currently I have 14 stars and have decided to give up until I have powered my troops.

    My current plan is trying to get demon crystals to get spica- currently up to like 125 and powering up odette, bashira, yuyu and finally CCing Cloris. The best level I can currently commission is Fiery Oasis. Is there anything else I should be aiming to do with this time? I also have Sophie and often she seems to be a good lightning rod- but I feel like leveling her may take away XP I could send to my other ranged attackers.

  5. #5

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    it's a star trial. Therefore you have 2 weeks time to level up stuff (try to follow the guide , and level the units used by the guidemaker , or units that can replace those wtih similar results).

    Sophie is a good unit and a great lighting rod , but honestly , othern then the last map ...and maybe the desert map (to be honest i tanked the red drake with my prince0 , i don't really see much use for rods on this event.

    Edit : spica is a good pick up , so if you can get it , i'd do it. If u have yuyu , i honestly wouldn't bother with cloris. She's a rather bad witch by all standards , and yuyu has overall higher dps then even belinda - a plat witch - untill AW (and thats because of belinda's AW passive that gives 7% increased damage) , and even after AW , she remains competitive.

    Odette is a strong mage , but unless u got her at a rather low cost (at least 3 - 4cr or so) , you wont get to deploy her that much for the simple fact that shes expensive as fuck for a mage. Event units start at +2 cr over premium units (which is why premiums have a max cr of 3 usually , while evets stand at 5). On top of that , odette starts at an additional + 2, for a grand total of +4 over a normal premium plat mage , making her quite hard to field if not reduced.
    But her stats are good at least.
    Last edited by lolix; 02-01-2017 at 02:57 PM.

  6. #6
    Patch Guest
    Unfortunately the only other fire mage I have is a CC'd valerie. Which does seem to be causing issues. I was happy to see odette as the event unit until I saw her cost. Was not even able to earn one more to CR during the event but she has worked semi decent as a late game throwout. So there is little point in cc'ing cloris if I already have a cc'd yuyu? Something tells me it will still be a fairly long while until I start to awaken things... But I really am looking forward to it.

    Right now I am back up to 32 crystals and attempting to get back up to the magic 100 number mentioned in all the beginner guides. When I read that this event in japan had a nanaly drop I was rather looking forward to trying to grab her but then nothing. 2 weeks to try and gain a little more power... Say what you will about Star Events- I really do like the fact they are basically guaranteed plats. As a new player it is fairly awesome of this game to do that. I played Fantasastica for a time on my phone and that was nowhere near as generous when it came to givaways.

  7. #7

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    For new playas b/c I barely got half a year under my belt, I say Star Rush Events rewards are better but it's much harder to 3 star maps which is to be expected to farming events which are easier but rely on luck and RNG

    I couldn't beat Memento and dat one Black Knight event last year, only got 5 and 11 stars with non CC units
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

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