Quote Originally Posted by kainpen View Post
thanks for the reply, good to know. I wanted to make sure because I been waiting for to 50 cc and then awaking to get max possible stats. It had me wondering when I was seeing people mention in post below characters on the wiki page. That they where decreasing stats when awaking and it was basically like a new class. l just awakening a new unit not that long ago and saw the stat decrease my self. So it had me wondering if I was wasting time with ccing at 50. I normally only cc at 30 for silvers I am going to being using as food to awaken another unit. since I am not swimming in golds to use.
Only CC at 30 if silver for AW fodder.

AW decreases stats by a preset amount regardless of where they were, so if you did 30CC60AW1 your stats are lower than 50CC60AW1. No unit should EVER be CC'd before 50 if you plan on AW them.