Lolix covered most of it, I'd add Mia to the list, Feng Shui users are great stuff, especially on daily maps (my Marr covers all the healing on Crystal Keeper G by herself, and half the healing duty on other daily maps, plus desert hp loss reduction and assorted other effects is great stuff too)

I'd say the following order:
Flamel > Anelia > Mia > Shiho > Adele/Fignelia (HP buff vs. dps, take your pick) > Imelia > Odette/Sasha

Reason I'd drop Imelia down in priority so much is you have Olivie and Lyla at high AW levels already, so your duelist needs are lower priority than healing IMO. Anelia adds an option to your Spica/Bashira ranged combo (and Bashira's AW ability can screw with her at times). Witches are great for early magic damage but you have Belinda AW and raised so you probably only want one more, so take your pick between team buff and more damage. Odette and Sasha are great mages but you have Garania AW and raised and you rarely need more than one mage on a map, so that's lowest on list.

Others feel free to debate with me. I won't take it personally if you don't