first of all , a bit of advice : take a picture. It's a whole lot easier for people to follow.

Now , i'm not sure what you want us to say. Generally speaking , we can't say if what you are planning to level/aw is the best order or not considering we have no general ideea what other units ( more importantly , plats+) you have.

Besides that , i don't see the priority in cc-ing the likes of crave or vincent (vincent actually has his uses , and can be for good a male map/DC dailes if you lack a second archer - after spica - capable of 1 shotting the eyes , since he can do that even before AW) , or even cypria.

Actually , besides a valerie , i see no cc-ed mage there (edit : i just saw that you have mehlis. Odette/solano can wait then) . Why not cc odette (which is a very good mage in general. hope you got her cr-ed) , and raise solano. SOlano is an extremely powerfull unit. I for one use her more then any of my mages (and AW-ed her before them as well)

Ertel and erun are pretty good units to have , but they are still rather niche. Raise them when you have time and resources.

Maribel : with AW bernice there is not much need for a second tank. Tthere aren't many maps that require double AW heavy anyway , and even if there are some , i honestly wouldn't raise mari. She's way too skill dependent , and outside of it , she's really weak. I'd rather go with
an elva to be honest , then mari. She fits better as an offtank IMO.

Chydis is a very strong healer. I see AW iris there , but besides her i see an alissa. Get chydis up asap. Future events will require multiple strong healers.

Ill edit if i see anything else. Those are just my first thoughts...hope it helps