well , i tend to use heavies quite a bit. A lot more then i use gankers or duelists. At times i trow bernice into a boss or whatever even if a duelist would be able to do the same job easily.

That usually frees slots into my main team for other stuff...like more ranged dps (both my accounts were blessed with good ranged units , with nanaly or anelia). I also like to have preatty heavy magic dps ,so i tend to run noel (mostly for AW bonus) , odette as my primarry mage , and solano as well.

Ofc , this is my playstyle so obviously its only just a way to play this game. Doesn't mean that others are wrong. I'm just talking from my own perspective. That being said , deine can actually fit a duelist/ganker role vs bosses with her instant deploy skill and inate tankiness as well....So dunno , it seems more general use then a unit that requires timing and relies 100% on her skill....